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WeimarStreetCrust t1_iwleolt wrote

Lmao, this MF for real think that third trimester abortions are acceptable.

Congrats, you’re now in contradiction with Massachussetts state law and New York State law, some of the bluest states in the nation that ban abortion after 24 weeks.


Environmental3rdEye t1_iwm0s6m wrote

Who gives a fuck what those states have? This is New Hampshire. Literally almost all abortions that happen are not 3rd trimester. People who have 3rd trimester abortions WANT their baby( wow imagine that) but get them due to medical emergency to save the mothers life. I’m so sick of uneducated moral stances based on boogey man they hear from the fucking news.


WeimarStreetCrust t1_iwmf9aw wrote


And all third trimester abortions bans have exceptions for those cases (NH, MA, and NY)

So let’s come back to the beginning here. Why the FUCK do you oppose or want these laws repealed?


Environmental3rdEye t1_iwmfm4j wrote

People are opposed to banning them ? I’m opposed to all laws that ban them, because well they are needed. If doctors are too afraid to preform life savings procedures then something is wrong with the law. People are opposed to new laws that are restrictive on the health care


WeimarStreetCrust t1_iwn9wjj wrote

Killing a baby out of convenience is not healthcare.

It’s just infanticide and we use to be disgusted by it, but I guess not these days.


Yonand331 t1_iwnk2ku wrote

Do you have a source for how many abortions happen in the third trimester, and the reasons, or you just repeating what you hear on Newsmax and such?


WeimarStreetCrust t1_iwnkskg wrote

Does it matter?

The percentage should always be zero when it comes to abortions beyond the 24th week that isn’t for purposes of protecting the mother’s life. Period.

I don’t give a fuck if it’s only 1-2% occurrences. If they’re out of convenience, it’s murder. No other way to put it.


Yonand331 t1_iwnp10u wrote

So what if it's a teenager, who was being a stupid teenager that's on the lower end of the social economic ladder, are you also gonna bitch about them also them being on welfare, are you also against contraceptives, a lot of red states seem to be wanting to add that to their list of laws...


WeimarStreetCrust t1_iwnpffg wrote

I don’t have anything against contraceptives, and I support proper sex education for teens.

If you fuck up, either the family can take care of it, or the teen can put the kid up for adoption. There is no excuse to kill the child when there are plenty of families who can’t bear kids to adopt that child.

You can’t justify killing a child. No ands, ifs, or buts about it. Evils typically can never be justified. That’s why they’re evil….like you apparently


Yonand331 t1_iwnsv4a wrote

Why am I evil exactly? You're the turd that's a trump fan, and God knows how many abortions that 💩 s paid for; looking at your post history you voted for the evil bastard, which in turn would make you an evil hypocritical 🤡


gjcs14 t1_iwlfq77 wrote

Personally I think abortions should only be performed after that period if they're medically necessary (or maybe if it's a minor or rape victim who for some reason wasn't able to get one earlier), but technically that would still be the second trimester. Prior to that I think elective abortions are fine. Abortion really only came to be this culture war thing in recent decades. When Roe happened in the 70s, it was hardly the partisan issue it is today. In truth, I doubt half of these moral crusaders would give a shit if it weren't a matter of toeing the party line.


WeimarStreetCrust t1_iwmfkah wrote

All these state laws I mentioned have exceptions for medical purposes, etc.

So idk why people are downvoting other than they think it’s totally fine to kill a kid in the third trimester on demand…for no good reason.


gjcs14 t1_iwmn66f wrote

I think the poster might have been referring to initiatives that were brought forward by lawmakers in the house that ended up blocked by your governor. Or maybe all the things Bolduc was talking about with it being too lax, how that might be off putting to voters. I won't speak for them, but where I live currently, it's a near-total ban including incidents of rape or incest, even for minors. So with that national backdrop, it would make sense to me. But I don't know. They're so rare it feels like a pointless issue to zero in on, but I wouldn't support a third trimester abortion without good reason like rape, incest, medical, etc. But of course, nobody's really doing it for "birth control" at that stage anyway.

So yeah, of course, have doctors or social workers assess the situation. But we're talking about something incredibly rare that has no business animating people like this, unless someone views it as a stepping stone to actually outlawing abortion in the state which politically isn't happening.


Yonand331 t1_iwnjo8g wrote

Third trimester actually starts after the 26th week, not 24