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TrotskyTMBO83 t1_iy6lf8x wrote

My feeling is that the City of Concord should buy it for redevelopment and bring in H-Mart, outlets, and some sort of Hotel with a conference venue.


BobbySwiggey t1_iy6orc9 wrote

Elderly housing would prob be relevant considering our state is #2 for oldest population, as well as its proximity to still-standing shopping centers. The malls-to-housing concept has been implemented in other parts of the country too. I don't think forcing more retail into a place where it already failed is the way to go... NH residents are hungry for services that actually benefit and enrich their lives. It's no coincidence that two of their only existing tenants are a gym and a trampoline park lol.

Fun fact, the rooftops of the Steeplegate Mall is an ornithologist observation site for endangered nighthawks.


NotARobotDefACyborg t1_iy8c6ft wrote

No fooling? I wonder if that's what I saw yesterday afternoon. I was headed west on Loudon Road and saw what looked like a smallish red tailed hawk, but it was almost dark out. 🤔


Few-Afternoon-6276 t1_iy6razf wrote

The owners won’t sell. Every time it’s sent an offer , they up the price. Looks like someone needs a loss on their books.


EllieVader t1_iy85ao4 wrote

This is one of the most fucked up things we incentivize here. Letting real estate sit empty and rot for tax purposes is such bullshit.


AMC4x4 OP t1_iy8ou8y wrote

Why do you hate America?



_drjayphd_ t1_iy952hu wrote

cues the somber, acoustic cover of "America, Fuck Yeah"


trumpasaurus_erectus t1_iy96zyi wrote

I never thought of it that way, but that makes a *lot* of sense with what I've seen.


GKnives t1_iy6nd4t wrote

if there could be an H mart closer than burlington that would be great