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_live_free_or_die t1_ix9cd1v wrote

No. Once and a while. I just saw the F16 over Nashua and Merrimack just now. Pretty cool.


agirlhasnofiretokens t1_ix9cjac wrote

When I worked in Moultonborough I'd hear them overhead about once a month, usually around the same day. I believe it's for training.

This week, there have also been black hawks going out to search for a missing hiker. Not a jet, but figured I'd mention anyway.


Mammoth_Amount_5994 t1_ix9d9w8 wrote

Must be in nashua, sounded like military jets to me. Maybe Russia is coming in or who knows maybe that idiot over in n Korea finally sent a ballistic missle


Glass-Vegetable138 t1_ix9f9ct wrote

They practice in the lakes region diving and straffing runs. They use the mountains to learn to maneuver coming out of mountains and high terrain after. It’s incredible what those pilots can do.


kikrs999 t1_ix9gpfo wrote

Where are you? Maybe they’re out re: the missing girl on Franconia ridge. I know there is a Black Hawk out, but I think C-130s are sometimes used for SAR missions too. Could be wrong.


JazzlikeTech t1_ix9jsne wrote

Had a couple of F15 fly over Concord an hour ago.


Doug_Shoe t1_ix9vk70 wrote

What area? I mean, if you're next to the airport then yes it's common.


Open-Industry-8396 t1_ixabsfd wrote

When i was stationed in Germany (army) those air force dicks 😄 would break the sound barrier right over our barracks at least once daily.


Ok_Low_1287 t1_ixapg7x wrote

I had a a10 inverted over my cabin. I could see the pilot clearly just above the treetops


thread100 t1_ixat6je wrote

We hear /see them over Winnipesaukee in the summer. Practice before nascar events and then day of race.


Hungry-Big-2107 t1_ixb8xp7 wrote

Manchester near the airport we see them flying very low, of course.


jonk285 t1_ixbn6gg wrote

20 minutes west of Concord here, I get them overhead at varying elevations at least twice a week. Mainly weekends. I believe it's partially air national guard. Anything from helicopters to fighter jets, it's always awesome to see. Pretty common I'd say.


overdoing_it t1_ixcnh07 wrote

Had a helicopter like 2 weeks ago. I waved to it.


spyboy70 t1_ixdxid2 wrote

If you're on the Seacoast, Pease is the 157th Air Refueling Wing, so the tankers are up flying daily, plus occasional other military jets.


ThePencilRain t1_ixerjyz wrote

The Green Mountain Boys out of VT fly around the National Forest for training pretty regularly.


I just moved here and live on the Seacoast. Pease is pretty crazy some days. A friend was telling me about how a European agency came over a few years ago and was buzzing around the mountains in Typhoons.


iagainsti120 t1_ixf24uz wrote

I saw them in Nashua NH they were flying circles around the crown plaza area. Looked like f-15's.