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ManchRanchSpecialist t1_iwpvjfu wrote

Northern Pass as well. NIMBYism has a cost.


largeb789 t1_iwpy3nw wrote

We should revive Northern Pass, but with the ground level or buried DC lines. We have the tech, and we should start implementing it to drive the costs down. It would allow much more efficient transfer of power so we could bring it in from distant wind and solar farms.


Clock-Full t1_iwq9yi6 wrote

I always liked the Granite State Power Link better than Northern Pass. It planned to use the existing Right-of-Ways, was cheaper, and brought more Megawatts to the region than the Northern Pass proposed.


snowman6288 t1_iwqduzx wrote

Yeah, what was the main issue people had with it? I heard Eversourcd originally had a dumb plan, but then they redid the proposal to bury the lines going around the Whites. Given that fix, I don't know what the problem was.