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Psychological-Cry221 t1_iwqt4cp wrote

Electricity is bought and sold in a regional marketplace, it’s not state specific as far as I know. Northern Pass would have added another source of power increasing competition in the market place and lowering costs regionally. States like Massachusetts and New York will purchase more power because they consume more power.


BakedBeansBazar t1_iwqx6mf wrote

I understand that, and it's mostly speculation since it never happened. I just think you can't say for sure that NP not happening is root cause of these rate hikes , just like I can't definitively say it would not have helped. Sort of a mute argument.


T-to-B t1_iwt5o8i wrote

The grid is relatively regional. So it's purchased in regions within New England . It also has to do with distribution. And for the most part Northern Pass was destined for the southern NH. That would have freed up some for the NH market but I believe the last estimate was that it would save the NH customer less then $1 a year or something.


Strict_Zebra_3585 t1_iws88k2 wrote

Absolutely true. "The grid" is regional. Not state specific as it relates to generation.