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mmirate t1_iwsk6sv wrote

That by definition means you stole from me (and from everyone else who remained solvent for the past three years and was subject to NH state taxation). The least you can do is repay it with restitution.


clarenceisacat t1_iwsl74i wrote

'That by definition means you stole from me (and from everyone else who remained solvent for the past three years and was subject to NH state taxation).'

No it doesn't.


WapsuSisilija t1_iwsqo6d wrote

You don't pay unemployment taxes, employers do.


mmirate t1_iwszd41 wrote

And where do you think they get that money from?

(Hint: prices. Of everything.)


RetroIsBack t1_iwtp2ya wrote

From their customers, not you the employee


mmirate t1_iwugz4a wrote

Employees of one business use their wages as customers of other businesses. Those other businesses have to pay for their unemployment taxes via slightly higher prices, diluting the purchasing power of those employees.

One transaction at a time, everyone in the economy pays taxes, directly and indirectly.


RetroIsBack t1_iwvbthz wrote

Yah its the same as electricity. Congrats you just discovered operational costs.


mmirate t1_iwvpv6n wrote

Electricity is energy. Taxation is just theft. That is the difference.


RetroIsBack t1_iwvqiel wrote

Taxation provides for roads, maintenance, water that the business needs, get real.


mmirate t1_iwvsv0k wrote

Who does the government pay for all that work? Private contractors. Government is just a pointless inefficient monopolistic middleman that could just as well be cut out.


T_Smoochie-Wallace t1_iwu48e5 wrote

I think you need to check the definition on the word “definition” buddy. You clearly don’t understand how unemployment gets funded.


FloozyFoot t1_iwtqtsd wrote

Did no one persecute you today, and you're feeling lonely? Seriously, what the fuck?