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FaustusC t1_j1xxs7h wrote

Wasn't this same reddit jerking themselves into a lather that it was the police being fascists or something and the woman who left a baby to freeze could do no wrong?


didntdonothingwrong t1_j1yjc4d wrote

cRiMiNaL cHaRgEs DoNt HeLp AnYbOdY iN tHiS cAsE


[deleted] t1_j1zym6b wrote

It’s definitely a crude tool IMO, but the ends absolutely justify the means. She gets a mental health evaluation and is likely found not guilty by reason of insanity, and the baby is removed from her custody.

It never should have gotten to this point, though. We shouldn’t leave psychotic people who are incapable of caring for themselves, out in the cold to freeze. I don’t give a fuck what drugs she was using. You’d turn to drugs if you were schizophrenic and homeless too. I don’t care if they “choose” to refuse assistance either. They’re not capable of making that decision. Shelter is a human right.


rudyattitudedee t1_j21x3x1 wrote

Helps her have a warm place to sleep and recover. Hopefully get the meds she needs and can at least regroup. Better than being in tent city