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HPenguinB t1_j1yztnz wrote

"This is horrible!"
How do you fix this? Social programs and taxes to fund them.

Pick a lane.


-cochise t1_j200c5z wrote

Her family has money, the issue is that nobody has any authority to intervene until something this blatant occurs. And if they did, long-term in-patient care is close to nonexistent now.


Rixtertech t1_j27agox wrote

Yes, as someone else mentioned our state hospital in NH is a shadow of what it used to be even as the state has grown and the need with it. We do have cages and cells for the convicted though, and mentally ill people locked in them right on the old hospital grounds. Bty of course all that only comes into play -after- a tragedy occurs, becuz 'murica.


manicmonkeys t1_j1zdwur wrote

Why do you assume social programs and taxes are the most effective way to address this?


TreePointOhhhhh t1_j1zfysx wrote

Because obviously social programs and higher taxes have proven effective nationwide. I mean look at places like LA, SF, NY, and Baltimore. Most abundant social programs and highest tax rates and the results are glorious! I mean they’re like totally like utopias, with zero crimes and like zero poverty or homelessness. Like, are you like totally blind, or something? It’s like just science!


HPenguinB t1_j1zffy1 wrote

Why do you assume they aren't?


manicmonkeys t1_j1zjteo wrote

My questioning your implied assertion does not automatically mean I hold the opposite stance.

I'm simply questioning your assertion.


HPenguinB t1_j1zysv5 wrote

I am simply questioning your questioning.


manicmonkeys t1_j20c7cq wrote

If you can't carry the burden of proof, you shouldn't make claims.


HPenguinB t1_j20ldu0 wrote

You were predictable, so I ignored you. I'll keep making claims, thanks.


Rixtertech t1_j27asou wrote

Because we don't burn, stone or drown the mentally ill as much anymore as we used to do, though I'd keep an eye on Utah, Texas, Tennessee, Florida and a number of other red states if you're worried we're not doing enough of that sort of thing.


manicmonkeys t1_j28i148 wrote

Why do you believe taxes and social services are what made the difference?


CheliceraeJones t1_j1zfcik wrote

Look at you jumping at the chance to be self-righteous. Social programs for what exactly?


HPenguinB t1_j23m6jh wrote

Social programs are self righteous? You can't think of any that would help in this situation? Looks like someone picked the low road.


CheliceraeJones t1_j23n76k wrote

No, you are. And you mentioned them, so now answer the question.


HPenguinB t1_j23rig7 wrote

Jesus you are insecure. Just say taxation is theft and move on.


CheliceraeJones t1_j24bm0c wrote

It's not theft, and you don't even know what my position is. Are you going to answer my question or are you going to find another way to dodge it?


lendluke t1_j28klpx wrote

I pick the "taxation is theft" lane. Voluntary donations as the solution, but I've stopped giving money to beggars. Giving money to drug addicts enables them, other charities are the solution.


HPenguinB t1_j28q0pi wrote

That's certainly the long version of "let babies die, " but I'll take it.


lendluke t1_j28wg5s wrote

Got it,

"Pick a lane. Oh, not that lane, your solution isn't my solution so it won't work."


HPenguinB t1_j29b1o5 wrote

Oh, I'm sorry, you picked a lane. I'm sorry you don't like that lane. It's like it's a bad one.