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cyriouslyslick t1_iyp0i40 wrote

Sorry thought this was a reply to a different discussion specifically about addiction. NH has terrible infrastructure (roads, schools, internet quality, cell phone reception, medical quality care, electrical grid). While having outrageous property taxes that vary wildly by town. NH is also close to the bottom of the list in many areas; particularly with salaries compared to cost of living. We have one of the highest Pkwh rates in the country for electrical; anticipate $500+ monthly bills, also anticipate absurd heating costs regardless of the fuel type. Expect to spend significantly more on vehicle maintenance due to bad roads and heavy salting.

The quality of education sounds like it will also be a concern for you:


ZeBrownRanger OP t1_iyp4r26 wrote

Interesting reads. Thank you. The lack of income tax makes a huge difference for me. Doing the math based on this, it'd actually be about the same cost of living, maybe a smidge higher.

The education piece tells me it's highly dependent on the town.


C0ffinCase t1_iyp5mu2 wrote

The lack of income tax is why everything else (including vehicle registration) is more expensive and tends to have lower quality unfortunately. It brings the standards down by divestment.


ZeBrownRanger OP t1_iyp76to wrote

I won't argue that it's impact will very greatly on income level.