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SasquatchGroomer t1_j1f8l77 wrote

Don't be assholes. Some of the libertarians who moved to the Keene area (a small portion) have made complete asses of themselves, effectively doing more harm to the cause of liberty than good. Since the 1980s I used to tell people that I was a libertsrian. I no longer am willing to use that word to describe myself because a small number of loudly offensive people have destroyed it for the rest of us.


TwoCanSee t1_j1f9sbh wrote

Vegans don’t migrate for food. People migrate for work and better living situations.


woolsocksandsandals t1_j1fan3r wrote

Take the fact that you’re a vegetarian to your grave. Never ever ever talk about it and deny it like your life depends on it.


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j1fewfh wrote

Last I checked vegans weren't a collective group that affected others. You can be a vegan in NH just as easily as any other place.

Unless you mean some sort of weird political vegan agenda(?) like the libertarian loonytunes.


AuthorSnow t1_j1fgkyj wrote

People migrate for diet now?


Boats_are_fun t1_j1fhiwh wrote

Don’t open a crypto money laundering operation disguised as a church


DeerFlyHater t1_j1flzn5 wrote

+1 That twitter feed is trash and generally the entire organized NHLP is trash.

A couple libertarian or free state types that I know swear that those clowns are solely there to sabotage the lolbertarian 'party'.


the-quibbler t1_j1fzukq wrote

That irrational exuberance, zealotry, and trying to force your will on others will make even those with whom you share some common cause dislike and disavow you.


smartest_kobold t1_j1g49bq wrote

Don't. And don't open a church, the SEC/IRS WILL be watching


TwoWheelsTooGood t1_j1g4s34 wrote

You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat. -- Mises Caucus.


1Greghole t1_j1gib37 wrote

I'm sorry this is bad. Please do the research on how your brain needs meat protein.


erindesbois t1_j1glq8u wrote

My guess is they are trying to create a large enough community of vegans to create a consumer demand. My vegetarian husband and I are summer people up near Pittsburg and the only thing that sucks about the area is that at restaurants he can only have cheese pizza or onion rings.

The closest vegetarian restaurant is in Canada.

We have chewed on the idea many times of putting up a snack shack for ATV riders that oops just so happens to be vegetarian, but are worried we won't have enough consumer demand to stay open.

ETA I am not saying we deserve a full on vegetarian restaurant up there!! Just.... I wish they would each offer 1 vegetarian main dish. Even meat eaters don't want to eat meat with every single meal, right?


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j1gmvp4 wrote

> Even meat eaters don't want to eat meat with every single meal, right?

I don't think about what my food's ingredients are 90% of the time.

Most places do have salads and subs, but I get what you mean. Vegetarian is a lot easier than vegan.


AttyOzzy t1_j1hwa0v wrote

Get your people elected. Period.


MiggySmalls6767 t1_j1i0o42 wrote

Don’t be a cunt. Have better ideas. Realize life isn’t black and white and context does matter. Understand life isn’t all about just yourself. Let us know when the Libertarian learns this.


SolitudeNH t1_j1i998p wrote

Stay the fuck outta NH if you’re trying to convert it or something. Free staters chose NH because they thought they could turn it into a nutjob failed “free state”. If you want to live in NH and be vegan, by all means, come here, start a homestead, raise veggies, all that. But if you want to try and get NH to start boycotting meat or dairy industries, ain’t gonna work. Dairy farms, small meat farms, hunting and trapping in the blood of most New Hampshiremen, as most New Englanders, the vegan lifestyle won’t be popular. If you protest a family owned dairy, you’re likely to get hit with a tractor. Vandalism or sabotage is likely to get you worse.

I like to think of NH as a “mind your business and everyone will mind theirs”, it’s not always true, but it’s how it should be.


IAmAnInnocentChild t1_j1jgd5h wrote

Maybe google “Free Staters” and consider adding “Keene” to your search. Then don’t do anything that comes up.


SasquatchGroomer t1_j1pzpqx wrote

Agreed. But most people don't understand the phrase "classical liberal." They just think you mean "liberal but not a progressive liberal."

I believe in traditional libertarian principals: fiscal conservatism, social liberalism, and that government works best when it is closest to those it serves.