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cyriouslyslick t1_izbddl7 wrote

Get a dash cam and don't rely on police for anything. Ask people around the location of the accident if they have camera footage; ring doorbells, business security cams, pursue all leads to try and prove your case. Cops suck at accident reconstruction at best; and won't investigate at all generally. I got rear-ended AFTER putting my car in drive after backing out of my driveway. Speeding nitwit was clearly not paying attention and made zero effort to brake; my truck was totaled. Guess who was found 100% at fault because cops in this state are LAZY AF...

I wish I had more help to offer, but unless you can definitively prove your innocence and have the police amend your report this will sadly be a hard lesson learned; as it was for me.


zhfretz t1_izbiyeg wrote

Manchester traffic cops are the most incompetent people I’ve ever dealt with


Ok_Afternoon6984 t1_izbjepj wrote

Your backing up your at fault 💯 u should have been paying attention I’ve been in this situation on the other end in a parking lot pulling out of spot and was backed into laid on horn and all they still backed into be


nixstyx t1_izbkz8v wrote

This is why you should ALWAYS back into a parking spot or driveway, if possible. You have to back up at some point, better to do it when the person behind you can clearly see your intention, you can clearly see the road, and you aren't in a rush. Very rarely do you hear about accidents involving people backing into a driveway, always the other way around. Play the numbers.


PropheticToenails t1_izbrveo wrote

I agree that backing into a spot is generally the way to go when feasible, but I still think it is folly to assume the person behind you will intuit your intent.


nixstyx t1_ize5gki wrote

True, you have to assume everyone on the road is an idiot. But still, coming to a complete stop, and then putting on your blinker, followed by backup lights is usually a pretty clear indication of intent.


cyriouslyslick t1_izbprdw wrote

Unfortunately I live on a state highway and it's as dangerous backing in as it is to back out due to the lack of shoulder. Speed limit is never enforced either. It sucks.


cyriouslyslick t1_izbpnd1 wrote

I had finished backing up and was in drive when she hit me. I established right of way and she was not paying attention. Re-read what I wrote.


PoorInCT t1_izd8ok9 wrote

I sat on a jury for an auto accident in Connecticut and I found out you can get away with the most stupid things if you have your emergency blinkers on.


[deleted] t1_izbma31 wrote

I thought the person who hits you is automatically at fault? (Go easy on me I don't know anything about this thankfully never had to deal with it)


cyriouslyslick t1_izbphyp wrote

Ideally, but she said I backed into her to get out of responsibility and sadly it worked.


Bill2k t1_izcg23c wrote

Insurance always split fault 50/50 for parking lot accidents.

You don't even have to be in your car when it happens. But if you're not present when the accident happens, good luck finding whoever hit you.


cyriouslyslick t1_izcl3zr wrote

This is the value of dash cams, but neither of the incidents being referenced happened in a parking lot. Context matters.


Bill2k t1_izcq86m wrote

Further down this branch of replies to your post mentioned a parking lot accident.

I use an old phone with a dash cam app to record my commutes. I wanted to get an actual dashcam but was having trouble picking one that did everything I wanted. Since I had an old android phone collecting dust I figured I'd install a dashboard cam app and use that while I shopped around for an actual dashcam. That was two years ago, lol. The old phone with the dashcam app does everything I want so I haven't bothered replacing it.


Lords_of_Lands t1_izhtfqz wrote

Does that include running while the car is off? I have a front/rear dash cam but it's only on when the car is on, so it missed it when my parked car was side-swiped and the other guy drove off.


Bill2k t1_izhuzir wrote

The settings have multiple options. You can have it record when it detects power and shut off when the power shuts off or manually by pressing a record or stop button, or always recording. The app is called Droid Dashcam. It is full of options. It's very stable. There's too many options for me to list so here's a link to the app: