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wiseoldowl2 t1_izbs7xi wrote

Police report says it’s entirely their fault? Does this woman work in the office if the plow company and their insurance? What’s the basis for their assertion that you’re 51% at fault? Do they refer to the police report?

Talk to a lawyer on a free consult. Insurance companies and potential defendants will often do this as a matter of course because if it succeeds (folks don’t pursue it or agree to lower settlement), they win, and there’s no real harm to them in trying it. A lawyer will be able to help you. Even seeing that you’ve retained a lawyer armed with the police report will usually soften their stance


samplebitch t1_izbtrix wrote

You shouldn’t have to get a lawyer if op has insurance. They have lawyers that handle this. OP shouldn’t really even be talking to the plow company. Send insurance the police report and they’ll take it from there.


wiseoldowl2 t1_izbtz7c wrote

This is correct. Idk I just assumed he didn’t have insurance because, you’re right, he shouldn’t be talking about this to the plow company if he does


39goingon50 t1_izc0czp wrote

Only if OP has collision coverage on their car. If they only carry liability then their insurance company will tell them to kick rocks.


Baremegigjen t1_izc3poi wrote

Are they under contract to a town, city or county? If so, that government agency may be of some help as they are responsible for any damage their contractors cause while working on their behalf.