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wallflowerattheorgy t1_izeltd8 wrote

The reason it's 20 miles from nowhere and doesn't have anything going on is because it's a prison town. Most of the people who live there have family on the inside and stay close to visit. Do with that information what you will.


threepawsonesock t1_izenk57 wrote

Most of the people who live in prison towns work in the prisons. It’s exceedingly rare for families to move to a town to be nearby an inmate. You think poor people from Manchester are going to move away from their support systems so they can live in Berlin?


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_izf3hvq wrote

My wife is from Berlin, saying that "most" of the people who live there have family on the inside is not even close to true. Off the top of my head I know fifty people who live there and none of them have any ties what-so-ever to the prison.


Samiann1899 t1_izfdkv7 wrote

That is entirely not true. People do not move cities to be close to an inmate. Certainly not 10,000. I don’t know anyone who has a family member on the inside and neither does my family, who have lived there since before the prison was built. ‘Most’ people in a ‘prison town’ would work for the prison not be visiting inmatws


zetterbeauty t1_izg4e2r wrote

This is a spectacularly bad take. Prisons more often than not are big providers of jobs in prison towns.