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RisksRewardsRelics t1_j1s523f wrote

Democrats aren’t left. The perspective of right-wing vs left-wing is horribly skewed in the US compared to what those terms actually mean to the rest of the world.


bishwhet1099 t1_j1shzgu wrote

Thank you. I wish there were more like minded people like you.


RisksRewardsRelics t1_j1so2rt wrote

“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.” - George Carlin

How The United States Ended Up With Two Right-Wing Parties


AmazingThinkCricket t1_j1sxg6f wrote

what a dumb video. Anyone who thinks the Democratic Party is right wing needs to go back to their commie book club


RisksRewardsRelics t1_j1szppk wrote

I see the American education system and corporate media have failed you as they has so many others.

The Dems are capitalist; this alone puts them in the right wing of the political spectrum. Granted they are generally not quite as far to the right as Republicans, but the difference is much smaller than what their rhetoric suggests. Both are also on the authoritarian end of the scale, rather than the libertarian end. Again, Democrats are more moderate here than Republicans, but only slightly. They have actively resisted any attempt to shift the party left.

Genuinely left-wing political views have almost no presence in mainstream American politics. Bernie Sanders is the exception that proves the rule, and even he is, at best, center-left.


AmazingThinkCricket t1_j1t5eii wrote

>The Dems are capitalist; this alone puts them in the right wing of the political spectrum

what are you guys reading right now in your book club


bishwhet1099 t1_j1ukazo wrote

We read often unlike.. never mind.


AmazingThinkCricket t1_j1unhqr wrote

Oh I'm aware. That's all that communists do. Thankfully they are completely irrelevant politically


bishwhet1099 t1_j1uk40a wrote

Did you watch the entire 13:50 minutes of the video or did you twiddle your thumbs away before posting your comment.