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lightningttt t1_j1t3lqy wrote

They don't statistically. The registered Republicans have I think 7 or 8x the amount of guns as registered democrats. Just go to Texas you'll understand. Biden and guns don't go. Trump and guns do.


lightningttt t1_j1t41ye wrote

If you type Republicans own more guns into Google the first link has a breakdown of who owns them. And 42% of Republicans own them and almost all of them own multiple where as democrats only 16% and more than half saying its thier only gun.


RisksRewardsRelics t1_j1t4pgg wrote

How many people own guns who aren’t registered to either party? Over 1/3 of the US is registered independent.


lightningttt t1_j1t8njo wrote

That wasn't the question though


RisksRewardsRelics t1_j1t9sbb wrote

Yeah, it sorta was.

The majority of leftists in the US don’t consider the Dems to be leftist at all (rightfully so). They certainly aren’t registered as one. Same can be said for the sovereign citizen crowd and the Republican Party.

Since you brought up Trump and Biden, both of them are doing the bidding of their campaign donors, just like every other elected official at the federal level. Both signed gun control legislation, Trump with the bump stock ban and Biden with more extensive background checks.

Left/Right is not the same as Democrat/Republican. People with ideals further from center tend to not be affiliated with either party.


lightningttt t1_j1u6lil wrote

This is just not the case. I'm sorry you are delusional. Also. Unregistered have only 11% gun ownership so even if every independent was lefty your still sitting at a fraction of the guns. I'm also from boston and have never seen this disconnect between left and democrat. They go hand in hand.
