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HowardNelsonJr t1_izlbpob wrote

Only thing missing is a giant chrome nutsack hanging from the back


reddittheguy t1_izll38g wrote

If they're fearless how do they explain their fear of taking up just one parking spot?


pumpkinpatch1982 t1_izlq4k6 wrote

I feel bad for how much they're spending to gas that monstrosity.


[deleted] t1_izmco7b wrote



pumpkinpatch1982 t1_izmcv8p wrote

I drive an old ass Honda that's still good on gas with Shell fuel rewards I fill up every two weeks I'm getting like 35 to 50 cents off a gallon . I feel you though everything's gotten so God damn expensive I see a lot of people still driving trucks and I wonder how they can afford the gas..


derek_morin1 t1_izl715x wrote

I bet he wears Ed hardy, tap out, or affliction.


UniqueCartel t1_izlfsk8 wrote

Fuckin Tap Out! Given the “fearless” tag, they’re definitely all about tapout


derek_morin1 t1_izt5ry6 wrote

100% has a tribal tattoo


UniqueCartel t1_izy2und wrote

Did they drive that thing all way from 2004? Love the “wicked pissah” too. A bizarre attachment to a phrase that nobody has said since 1977.


Patient_Total7675 t1_izluvt1 wrote

Hummer h2 is just a Chevy Tahoe.


FuzzelFox t1_izlxccc wrote

Literally has none of the cool features of the original Hummer and is a hideous pile of shit too


massesRasses t1_izmhuto wrote

Have literally always said this. If you took everything that was cool about the original Humvee and removed it, that is exactly what these are. Removed all the ruggedness. Removed all of the off-road ability, but kept the horrible fuel mileage and ugliness, that is exactly what GM built. All form. No function. Literally the ultimate poser-mobile.


Helio_Tropical t1_izmmqxc wrote

He’s Fearless y’all. Don’t tread on this man’s right to overcompensate with the Bro’s.


Tickled_Pickler t1_izl455s wrote

Barf. Lets describe what this dude (obviously) looks like. I'll start. 50 years old. Goatee.


[deleted] t1_izl4vcf wrote

5" 7" max. Shaved head.


Pirate_Nurse15 t1_izl5ngh wrote

Wears exclusively torn blue jeans and either a Harley-Davidson shirt or one of those graphic Tees from the early 2000s. Doesn't actually own a Harley.

Don't forget the wallet chain.


[deleted] t1_izl7j5e wrote

Owns a several Kangol caps and a fedora. Prefers the latter because it makes him look taller.


Redsoxy77 t1_izla06c wrote

Faux tan, Jordans, pretends to always be on his cell


Embarrassed-Bench392 t1_izl3d8k wrote

Can't park worth a shit.


SarahSuckaDSanders t1_izl9414 wrote

This guy marches to the beat of his own drum and parks outside of the lines. He’s fearless™️.


Smirkly t1_izl9lmo wrote

I think he...or she did a great job of taking two spaces. Notice how that white line is exactly under the middle.


OkBody2811 t1_izlb9xu wrote

And one of the spots is a curbside to go for the Subway in the store. Guaranteed he’s not waiting for a sub.


anxbangs t1_izmlq2u wrote

Wicked pissah in Keene new hampsha! Weeeeeeeww


-Codfish_Joe t1_iznbyrx wrote

That's the Free Staters' long game here. It's why they started harassing the parking enforcement people all those years ago.


Upstairs_Ear5488 t1_izoehog wrote

They say you can smell images based on experience, and that picture smells like axe body spray


Azr431 t1_izlp58s wrote

Someone’s compensating


Substance_Suspicious t1_izm7wx1 wrote

Can tell he’s not from boston because I am and never in my life have I ever heard anyone ever say “wicked pissah”.


Helio_Tropical t1_izmn5lr wrote

Never? Seriously you’re not doing Boston right. Go to Dorchester and give it 23 minutes.


zeus6793 t1_izmjbfw wrote

Growing up in the 60s and 70s, in southeast MA, we said it, or a version of it, all the time.


[deleted] t1_izl4s3i wrote

What's my mom's car doing on reddit!?!? /s


TreePointOhhhhh t1_iznmf0r wrote

Usually I’d get annoyed by someone taking up two parking spots, but this could be a case of him cheating to the right to give the handicap spot more room. As for the mean girls comments about someone simply expressing themselves with choice in car and decals, I don’t get. Doesn’t seem like he’s hurting anyone in this pic or driving like a douche. Just seems like an eagerness to hate on someone...


Reubachi t1_iznu0fu wrote

You seem to have a kinder disposition than most, I’ll give you that.

But I personally am an asshole have a hard rule about decals/bumper stickers. If a person wants me to know their opinion via their motor vehicle stickers, I have no desire to know that persons opinion.


lizyouwerebeer t1_iznyglf wrote

Going by avatars alone, most of the mean comments are coming from boys and not girls.


TreePointOhhhhh t1_izo1cml wrote

Looks like you’re right, most of them are from mean boys. Most men don’t really concern themselves with what other guys drive or how they dress.


hydroracer8B t1_izo4w28 wrote

Despite the "wicked pissah" fake plates, he's not with us (the massholes).

Nobody actually says wicked and pissah together


-Codfish_Joe t1_iznbuaw wrote

Man I wish I was too fat to fit into a single parking space.


SlyOlAbe t1_izln87d wrote

Is this a Keene / swanzey gas station?


badpmkn t1_izleu9o wrote

Why couldn't he have a MASS plate 🙄


exploremore617 t1_izlhjfx wrote

Mass is more liberal of a state than NH


Jean-Paul_Sartre t1_izn6t02 wrote



widget_fucker t1_iznc023 wrote

White Conservatives skew a bit more gaudy/shallow than white liberals. I dont know it for a fact. But i know it its true…


widget_fucker t1_izncgze wrote

White Conservatives skew a bit more gaudy/shallow than white liberals. I dont know it for a fact…. But i know it its true…


Welcomefriends85 t1_iznxyyj wrote

The scariest part about this is you know he has a group of buddies who all think his “car” is badass


JayBisky t1_izmi9o1 wrote

I could careless what people drive. As long as he isn’t on a unicycle in the middle of the street holding up traffic


Helio_Tropical t1_izmmzae wrote

Well thanks for sharing, it really added to the conversation. Do you encounter a lot of Unicycle related traffic incidents?

I assume you’re either from the past or a circus.


2_dam_hi t1_iznjjcm wrote

> Do you encounter a lot of Unicycle related traffic incidents?

Do you not?


Reubachi t1_iznucrm wrote

Fun, unrelated fact. I lived in Portland a few years ago, and outside the shaws one night I saw a man panhandling on a unicycle, playing accordion. It was very cold.


JayBisky t1_izmp3k9 wrote

Even Worse I’m from mass originally. Became more common every year


Helio_Tropical t1_izmpb92 wrote

Wow! I’ve heard of the Unicycle Street Gangs, didn’t realize it was so outta control.


JayBisky t1_izmpslh wrote

I can see your struggling for upvotes and karma I’ll give you a pity one so you don’t feel left out. Keep grinding bud


sheila9165milo t1_iznwen5 wrote

🤣🤣🤣 he probably thinks he is 🤣🤣🤣


OddWar6668 t1_izl3hji wrote

How to say you have a small penis without saying it out loud


badpmkn t1_izlhqbc wrote

Thank you ! I wasn't aware of that.


MeanAd3464 t1_izoxd1l wrote

What year was this photo taken…?!


ProtectionKey5615 t1_izo4z09 wrote

Looks like a regular guy/gal from NH who made responsible decisions during their life to me?

Likes Harley’s (I hope they have 2!), drives a “truck” (small point deduction for a second class hummer) and understands the NH vernacular.

Also appears to be unafraid of what people think, another positive trait if your gonna make it in this world cause no one likes a winner.


otiswrath t1_iznmbfp wrote

Looks Yeah...he's not with us...


Empty-Hope1814 t1_izlek4h wrote

Obviously we all know this guy is annoying but it’s the most cocky liberal Massachusetts thing to just hate someone based on their appearance and to make assumptions about his body. I’d rather have a few beers in this guys garage then a goat cheese and beet salad with you guys. Did you ever think his car looks like this cause he likes it and or might be partially blind?


quaffee t1_izlhmcj wrote

Now I want goat cheese and beet salad, that sounds fire.


TheTowerBard t1_izm0bga wrote

So fucking good. Toss some pine nuts on top of that shit too. Daaaaaaamn.


exploremore617 t1_izlhp6g wrote

Your telling someone not to judge a book by its cover while judging a book by its cover…..


Empty-Hope1814 t1_izlldxn wrote

You guys outed yourselves with your judgmental comments, people can judge words others write but to go off sole appearances is wack. Live free or die. It’s the same crowd that acts like a kid has a loud exhaust just to impress the crowds, he’s just having fun your not that important.


exploremore617 t1_izllhq0 wrote

Your the one being hypocritical 😂😂😂


Empty-Hope1814 t1_izlmpsr wrote

No if I wanted to play that game I would say something like I bet everyone gross enough to make a comment about his body most likely has a very disgusting body of their own. Don’t get mad that people judge you based off the words you speak that’s very different then the clothes you wear or the car you drive.


exploremore617 t1_izlmvki wrote

If I have to explain the hypocrisy in your comment you really are that stupid. Good luck!


Empty-Hope1814 t1_izlnjhm wrote

You don’t know that this guy isn’t a genius with a huge dick just by looking at his car. I do know that your not just by reading your comments. Now do you see how words and possessions are different when it comes to judging a man?


exploremore617 t1_izlo5ux wrote

Lol your an idiot. Your judging people while telling people not to judge


Empty-Hope1814 t1_izlpe26 wrote

I would say repeating yourself three times with out articulating any meaningful statement would actually make you borderline insane.


exploremore617 t1_izlpvsi wrote

You are judging people by state and political party while telling others not to judge. Please take a seat sir. You are trying to judge me off a public forum that is 70% trolling.


Empty-Hope1814 t1_izlqnrv wrote

Right. I am. Based off the words that were spoken. While your making judgements based off appearances. Judgements are ok everyone makes them. It’s how you survive, but they way you form your judgements is what separates winners from losers and your way will always hold you back. Loser. I appreciate your attempt at articulating some point there but take some more time to think next time.


exploremore617 t1_izlqvkn wrote

Lol judging is judging stop trying to make excuses for your hypocrisy


Empty-Hope1814 t1_izlrske wrote

Ok so if you didn’t like Kanye west because the way he dressed that = bad judge. If you don’t like Kanye west because he made a statement about liking hitler, that = good judge. Do you understand now how it’s possible to form an accurate and correct judgement, one that’s not solely based off appearance.


exploremore617 t1_izls1ye wrote

You are a a special kind of special.


Empty-Hope1814 t1_izlsb0q wrote

Oop once again a failure to form a valid argument


exploremore617 t1_izlsdjd wrote



Empty-Hope1814 t1_izm18kf wrote

I knew you were fizzling out, maybe find a way to express what your feeling without using pictures. It would help you advance as a human being.


[deleted] t1_izlgo4w wrote



Empty-Hope1814 t1_izllt9l wrote

I’m not saying he is or isn’t from a really lame suburb somewhere I’m just saying it’s not true NH style to just hate on how someone for how they present themselves like that. Imagine looking at someone’s artistic style be it shit or not and instantly start drawing conclusions about their body.


underratedride t1_izlkx9d wrote

You posted a photo on reddit so you could judge someone’s automobile.

I’m sure you wouldn’t want to say that to the owner directly. Just online. Sad.


PropheticToenails t1_izlpg9a wrote

No, they posted it on reddit so we can all judge this turd, too.


underratedride t1_izlppb1 wrote

Perfect display of the hateful disgrace of a website Reddit is. You all claim to be the type of people you aren’t.


PropheticToenails t1_izlqkdq wrote

I fully, openly and proudly embrace my penchant for judging double-parking, gas-hogging fevered-egos both online and in-person and have never claimed otherwise.

I would judge them in a box, I would judge them with a fox...


TheTowerBard t1_izlzz91 wrote

I’m judging them so hard right now. This dude has no idea.

On a serious note, based on the guy’s handle, I’m guessing he has a similar ride and is feeling attacked.


TestingForTwitter t1_izm2wp5 wrote

> You all claim to be the type of people you aren’t.

There are literally millions of people on this site.



sheila9165milo t1_iznznlo wrote

Then why come here and make these comments? No one made you read this or comment on it. Unless you came here to troll.