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SnooStories753 t1_izpq88d wrote

Welcome back the eastern edge of the time zone!


leckmir t1_izq2wf6 wrote

Look on the bright side. In about a week the sunset will be one minute later almost every day and by the end of January sunset will be close to 5pm.


lantonas t1_izq77dn wrote

Climate change


11_Wolfie_11 t1_izqbld4 wrote

It is a little earlier, or seems so. But then again, everyone forgets what the other half of the year is like, every single year. And the ticks are always worse than anyone remembers, every June.


B1ggestsport t1_izqzchh wrote

Probably lack of street lights in most places


Skydivided t1_izrx18l wrote

I moved here from NC a while ago. The first year I got here I was like “oh , wow! This is kinda cool “. The second year was like “oh , that’s right. Gets dark here early. That’s wild “. The third year and on it’s been “this kinda fucking sucks”. Lol. But I’m used to it now and once I embrace it when it changes over I’m ok.

You gotta embrace that shit and stay active.


Unfiltered_ID t1_izrxnbv wrote

It gets dark so early! It'll make the spring and summer feel all that much better. Are you in a small town? I love the small town main streets on cold winter nights, especially in the towns that light em up with Xmas lights.


msanh t1_izspyd5 wrote

Actually, fun fact that a lot of people don’t know, is that although December 21st is the shortest day of the year, December 9th is actually the day where the sunset is the earliest! It’s already started getting darker later but the sun rise is also getting later at a faster rate making the days shorter still. But for me (and most people) it’s all about the sunset time so we’re already going in the right direction! link to Manchester sunrise/sunset times