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Boats_are_fun t1_j1bgyff wrote

Whose gonna stop you? I see all sorts of random crazy lunatic flyers posted on poles everywhere. At least memes would be funny


5nd t1_j1bjkox wrote

Live free or die

Also memes have a purpose


Beneficial-Hand4310 t1_j1bsxw5 wrote

First, call 911 and give them the street address for every single one of these "meme flyers" you know of so local law enforcement is aware.

Second, arm yourself.

I wouldn't tolerate this BS


New_Sun6390 t1_j1bz6rm wrote

It is illegal in many states tho I am not sure about NH. The poles are the property of the utility. Staples and nails used to attach signs pose a danger to line workers and that is why many states have laws against u authorized attachments


draggar t1_j1d06c2 wrote

>Staples and nails used to attach signs pose a danger to line workers

Legal or not, this is a good reason to not do it.

Edit: especially during a time where line workers are going to be working A LOT due to a storm.


Doug_Shoe t1_j1d5t9b wrote

Technically, no. There are tons of rules and regulations about signs. A lot of it is under zoning. I'm not a lawyer or anything. I know about this topic from Christian ministry (starting a storefront mission, thrift store, etc). Here's a good real life example, I think. A code enforcement guy from the city says that my sign is illegal. Then he says I need a hundred thousand $ insurance on the sign. Then he tells me the general parameters of how he'll likely ignore the sign. Basically if it's not too much of a nuisance then the authorities ignore it.

Ask yourself- How many people do you know who have been fined for stapling a paper flyer to a pole? For me it's zero. "Everybody does it." Right?

It's just a meme? Well if it's political or otherwise causes outrage then it may be seen as a nuisance, so the authorities might get involved. I suppose it depends on how hard you kick the hornets nest, and blind luck.


New_Sun6390 t1_j1dtplk wrote

Please tell me that was sarcasm. Anything sharp caN damage the protective rubber gloves electric line workers wear, rendering them useless for protecting against electrical contact.

So if you think I am being funny, you are an AH.


86ed5150 t1_j1eh6a7 wrote

Idk why everyone is all butthurt, I would rather see memes on telephone poles than political signs everywhere. Bonus points if it’s a non-political meme.


thread100 t1_j1f2brg wrote

If you do, we would all appreciate if you went back and removed them in a reasonable time frame.


tedward2032 t1_j1fk4i4 wrote

Lmao I’m actually a lineman and I promise you no one is going up there to staple anything at the top of the pole where you would actually where your rubbers. All staples are obviously at the bottom and aren’t really a problem lol