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sbfx t1_j1uvz5c wrote

Do you qualify for benefits through the VA? If yes, I absolutely recommend giving Manchester VAMC a try. They have an entire mental health department and people there that specifically work with PTSD. Wait time is currently 1 month (this is considered a short wait, many VAs have a 6-12 month wait list).

I also know the mental health dept has a really good staff with dedicated people. Therapy won’t do much after a single appointment, but they are there to help in the long haul. They do in person, phone and video appointments, whatever your preference is and whichever works best for your schedule.

Since you mentioned seeing a doctor, they’re also there to help with doctor referrals.

If you have any questions feel free to send me a DM. My wife works there and is an awesome therapist. 🙂

P.S. Hats off to you for looking for help and thank you for your service.