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AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j1vqb94 wrote

This reeks of "I'm making shit up" or at least downplaying how actually fucked up the people "getting hauled away" are.


nfield69 t1_j1vrh0q wrote

Yeah because I would have any motivation to make this up. Go work in the emergency room and see 10 year olds on psych holds for 3 weeks straight sitting in a room all day losing their mind because their parents suck and see if it still "reeks". Fucking moron.


5ammas t1_j1x18hu wrote

Former NH Hospital employee here of over 8 years.

They unfortunately aren't making shit up.


IncompetentYoungster t1_j1wp91y wrote

I'm super glad you don't have to worry about this, and don't care about people who do!