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Alternative-Cry-4667 t1_j0c4mvj wrote

The kids in the daycare next door can no longer go outside due to needles be thrown in their playground from the homeless! I just saw this on news 9


Skydivided t1_j0cbxjt wrote

I’m not denying anything like that happening. I’m just stating a statistical fact about people assuming anyone homeless is shooting dope. I just felt it was a blanket statement and just adds to more of the stigma of homeless people. It’s a sad reality. I’m sure eventually the police will do a swoop of the place , they’ll be gone. But then another homeless encampment will show up in a matter of days. Maybe at least it won’t be by a park. They’re not going to arrest them and put them in jail. Maybe a few , but they can’t take them all to jail and it’s not a solution anyways minus certain individuals who should be jailed. But the average homeless person shouldn’t be jailed and won’t.


Alternative-Cry-4667 t1_j0dz4qr wrote

You’re stating your opinion


Skydivided t1_j0e6vn2 wrote

In all seriousness, What do you suggest happens in this current scenario with the homeless in that location?


Alternative-Cry-4667 t1_j0j57bg wrote

My family owns a business on market st near the shelter. We are tired of finding people hiding in the stairwells. Maybe the state should pay for a one way bus ticket to Florida where it is warm


Skydivided t1_j0klowg wrote

I know if I was homeless in NH this time of year I would high tail it to somewhere down south or West coast. It’s wild. It really is. Something i heard yesterday was there is a company or something cleaning up some homeless encampments and the city is footing the bill. Cost $10,000. I got this from a reputable source(my actual boss at my real job with local Govt) and my jaw dropped.

I really don’t have an answer to the solution. I think I popped into this thread because sometimes I get really annoyed with people having a preconceived notion and stereotype of what a homeless person is. Outside of the mentally ill and addicts/alcoholics and addicts there is a fair share of people like you and me who lost everything by circumstances or poor choices and they have no place to go. Now , that being said , the majority of those people actually use the recourses provided to help them get on their feet again. Like , legit comeback stories. But there they are. You don’t see them in the stairwell and on the sidewalks in tents. Not saying they aren’t in that situation, but they typically have their mental faculties and trying to at least get into some sort of program for housing and find jobs. But the wait list is long, it takes time. Could the drug addicts help themselves? In many cases they can in some aspect if they would try. And many do. But some are so deep into addiction that it takes and act of providence to get them out of the hellhole they’re in. Then you’ve got some mentally ill(not all) who are so sick that they don’t even know what day or year it is, much less can they comprehend that there is possibly a way out.

We’ve got this one guy in town that everyone seems to know or seen around town. He’s most likely schizophrenic, but I can’t diagnose him. But he most likely is. His story makes absolutely no sense. At all. However , we do know for certain that he Used to be married , has kids, had a job , and a house. He’s even got an old Facebook profile from years ago you can look up. Obviously it’s not active. The pics of him and his family on there are heartbreaking when you know what he’s like now. Like , when and how did he descent into madness ? What was the breaking point ? There are legit recourses out there to help him. Like , this guy could get with a proper doctor and eventually into a housing program. He could. It’s right in front of him. Right there at his reach. Neil is the guy I always think of , see him most days of the week , and it’s mind blowing he doesn’t have the mental capacity to accept help because he’s so sick. And he’s been given and still will be given all the help that’s provided, but he just can’t grasp it because his illness is so severe. Wild stuff. “But for the grace of God , there goes I”. He could be anyone of us.

But for the people your family is dealing with with their business, I get it. I do. And I apologize for coming off so lightly about the situation. It’s bad. It’s really bad. I wish I knew the solution. I’m not implying you just accept the situation and i apologize if I’ve come off that way.

Peace ✌️