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GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j0hlr3j wrote

We already have rehabs, don't we? If that fails, there's always prison. I don't have much sympathy for addicts. I've been one. It's a choice. In Manchester NH the police budget was 50 million this year. I bet the police would do just fine with 40 million. They have a 'use it or lose it' attitude that creates wasteful spending.


Skydivided t1_j0hoguu wrote

We already have drug rehabs. Who’s going to pay for that ?

So in your scenario youde take most of the police budget. 40,000,000 out of 50,000,000. Now , let’s be very conservative and use 100 homeless people who you think should be in an asylum for long term care. That’s 400,000 per person. On the lower scale based on some random statistics and averages , you’re looking at around 6,000 a month. But let’s go lower and say 3,000 a month for fun. Now ? Do you see where that’s going for even one person ? Not very far. And that’s only using 100 people. Not many.

Yes , you’re right. We do have drug rehabs. Most are full or a waiting list but you definitely can get in with the right money or insurance and some state funded recourses, which are scarce. But let’s pretend that wasn’t the case. How much do you think the average stay for a 28 day program is ? I’ll let you research that since you seem to know about drug rehabs. Now the problem is ; who’s going to fund it ? We’ve already discussed the money from your police budget. So that won’t work. What other divisions in your city should have their budget cut so as to fund the drug rehabs? Keep in mind you’re only talking about a single city. What about the smaller cities in our state ?


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j0idwa0 wrote

Interesting math, but I'm talking about 10 million, not 40 million. Why on earth would it cost 400,000 per year per person? Thats a very luxurious number. How about 30k per person per year. Now will it be as nice as the ritz? No, absolutely not. All you need is heat, lights, food, water, and psych meds. Now we can house 333 mentally ill people for 1/5 of the police budget. Don't tell me its not possible. Plenty of people in the US live on 30k or less per year. The problem is people like you are ok will calculating a massive amount of theft into the equation. Remove the theft and everything gets incredibly affordable. As for rehabs? Pass a law that requires any rehab operating in NH to take in homeless addicts for free. These are for profit buisnesses that make ludicrous amounts of money. They'll be able to take the hit.


Skydivided t1_j0ihvxz wrote

Pass a law ? That’s cute. Get started with that since you know how cut and dry that is. Put people in a medical facility(asylum as you call it , which is an antiquated word).

You really don’t get it and that’s ok. You’re not alone. A lot of people like you are really ignorant on the matter and think you just “pass a law “. And the money part for long term treatment at a medical assisted center isn’t going to be 30,000 a year. That would be awesome, but it’s not reality. Just look up the cost yourself, it’s not my doing or will that facilities charge so much. I agree , it’s insane. But as you did all we gotta do is “pass a law “. The 400,000 dollar quote wasn’t for a year. I was using your silly and juvenile take on “defunding the police “ and used a random number out of the amount you wanted to defund the police to make a point. It wasn’t supposed to be literal.

I’d really love to hear how a law gets passed to make a facility do what you say. Can you explain that ? I’ll wait.