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Jay_Derkin t1_j258d8r wrote

A tree stand abandoned on your property is now your property. That said if your land isn’t posted then the hunter has done nothing wrong. All land in NH is public land open for all public activities unless posted otherwise.

I’d leave a note on the stand for them to contact you, they may not even know they crossed a boundary.


TreePointOhhhhh t1_j259wrc wrote

☝️This is the proper way of handling it. Leave a note and give it some time.


ManWhoFartsInChurch t1_j28v74e wrote

>A tree stand abandoned on your property is now your property. That said if your land isn’t posted then the hunter has done nothing wrong.

That last part isn't true - you can't leave a treestand on private property without landowner permission even if the land isn't posted.


Jay_Derkin t1_j28vail wrote

Call fish and game and then reply back once they educate you.


Enomancer t1_j25cdfu wrote

>All land in NH is public land open for all public activities unless posted otherwise

What's your source for this, please? The most essential right in common law land ownership is exclusivity i.e., the right to evict others.


Jay_Derkin t1_j25cz0x wrote

Straight from the state. Keep in mind nowhere did I say you can’t evict someone or post it, but if not posted all land is public.


2_dam_hi t1_j263gwd wrote

Also from your link:

>Based on long-standing tradition, nearly all lands in the state of New Hampshire are open to hunting. The "rule of thumb" in New Hampshire is: all state, federal, municipal, county and private land is open to hunting unless it is posted against hunting. However, hunting is a privilege granted by the landowner -- not a right granted to the hunter.


Jay_Derkin t1_j263ksu wrote

Read further down. Don’t stop at what reads conveniently for your position. It’s all public unless posted.