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Kv603 t1_j0d21vx wrote

>> The DMV confiscated my old license when I got a New Hampshire license in February.

> They aren't supposed to do that.

I think there's some confusion between "renewal" and "moving here from another state"

When you change state residency, the DMV will take your old out-of-state license when you apply for your NH license, per the National Driver License Agreement:

>> If an applicant is the holder of a license issued by another jurisdiction, no member jurisdiction shall issue a license to the applicant unless the applicant surrenders the license


literallyatree t1_j0d758n wrote

Yup, I had moved to NH from Georgia and they took my Georgia license.

I see now that OP renewed theirs and didn't get a new one like I did. So my original comment is useless to OP. Sorry!