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TreePointOhhhhh t1_j1x8qnt wrote

“In that same time, Rhode Island and Massachusetts saw their populations decrease last year, driven in part by residents moving away.“

They vote for stupid politicians and stupid policies, then come here to escape the mess they made. “Oh, the tax is too high, let’s go somewhere more affordable.” Then when they’re here, they continue to do the same. “Oh, I wish we had high speed rails like we did at home...”

Stupid is as stupid does.


BloodySox t1_j1xqceq wrote

> They vote for stupid politicians and stupid policies, then come here to escape the mess they made

I feel like I'm always seeing this here and it really bears no resemblance to reality. Most people who move to New Hampshire from Southern New England are conservatives who see New Hampshire as a safe haven for their political ideals.

The Free State Project is an obvious example of this but you have other data points. NH's most influential conservative governors in modern history (John Sununu and Meldrim Thomson) were conservatives who moved to NH from elsewhere. I've analyzed enough NH elections to tell you that newcomers are not disproportionately more liberal than the native born New Hampshire population. This is a myth that New Hampshire Republicans spread, it is simply not true.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_j1yq2u6 wrote

You may be wrong here.. Democrats have been moving to Southern NH and the NH seacoast area in droves. I personally know many transplants that want similar social systems in NH that they had in MA. I constantly have conversations reminding them that those systems would make NH more expensive and negate the reasons they moved here.


lendluke t1_j1z0a19 wrote

I somewhat agree. I remember hearing for example the average Californian moving to Texas was actually more conservative than the average Texan.

I will say though that it is different when the barriers to entry are smaller. There are millions of jobs in MA within commuting distance of NH. Stealing the structure of an old joke: "take a conservative from MA and move them to NH and you'll make both states more liberal."

I have met quite a few MA transplants in the liberty community but that is only relevant if there aren't a ton of people on the more authoritarian also moving. Election success is not always a good gauge for movers average political stances as the parties have shifted (I'd be voting Democrat if the Democratic candidates held the same views they did 10-15 years ago (except the against gay marriage part)).


Friendly-Matter-3819 t1_j1xi3gs wrote

Have you paid attention to the way this country votes? Except for the extreme left or right cities most places are almost an even split for either side. That means the people leaving might be the people who also hate the policies that were put into place by their neighbors not themselves.


MiggySmalls6767 t1_j1xzdwm wrote

HSR would be amazing and I’ve been her for decades. You’ve gotta be a moron to not want those 😂