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Vi0lentByt3 t1_j0vs9bi wrote

I mean with an attitude like that i would assume you have never gotton behind the wheel of a car after having an alcohol in your system? And yhat you equally push for banning cigarettes the same way weed is banned consider cigarettes literally give you cancer while cannabis is prescribed to cancer patients. And at the end of the day if you don’t want to compromise on the direction your state is going you can always move :)


ihaveatrophywife t1_j0x9vr3 wrote

Actually no, I think most things should be legal at 18 unless they change the age of adulthood to 21. Smoking weed can also give you cancer for what it’s worth. It absolutely has medicinal value and recreational value as well. I don’t look forward to legalization because of the smell and the fact that it’s dangerous to drive under the influence. Assume whatever you want about me, it’s pretty inconsequential.


Queasy_Turnover t1_j10p7zo wrote

But people are already smoking weed and driving under the influence here. Legalizing isn't going to magically create those problems, they already happen.


ihaveatrophywife t1_j11dsqu wrote

That’s totally true but if it is legal there will be more users and people driving under the influence. Drinking under the influence of alcohol statistically drops in states where marijuana is legal according to some sources. One could say it’s reasonable to expect that some drinkers are replacing alcohol with marijuana and driving under the influence of that, in addition to the people who already drive under the influence and the new users who will drive under the influence because it’s already socially acceptable among people who smoke marijuana who genuinely believe (falsely) that they drive safer while smoking/under the influence of weed.