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Ghozt84 t1_j0w35zz wrote

Also, it would require state employees to sell it, those same employees that can be piss tested and fired for the same use of said substance. This puts them in a very odd pickle, do you exempt these employees now? How does that make the rest of the desk jockeys and folks not working with heavy machinery feel.


GirthBrooks__12 t1_j0wctvl wrote

State desk jockeys are not subject to piss testing as a matter of course. Folks working with heavy machinery will always be drug tested. It's heavy machinery. Terrible things can happen any minute. Anyone working one of those jobs knows it is always a target for drug testing.

Also, anyone would be fired for showing up to their job drunk, even if it was at a liquor store. There is no irony there. You can't go to work impaired.


MeEvilBob t1_j0x7a4y wrote

Ski lift operators operate massive machines that carry hundreds of people to the top of a mountain. I did that job for 8 winters and was never piss tested even once.