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matt71109 t1_j10j6vj wrote

What if those affected? Are they getting compensated or are they shit out of luck?


nixstyx t1_j10lz7u wrote

Article says they're paying restitution to two customers. But yeah, the rest are probably out of luck here, but they can take legal action of their own.


matt71109 t1_j11bvsx wrote

Only “two customers.” Through a two year span, and an “affordable” car, you know there are more victims.


SellingCoach t1_j10lz9j wrote

From the article:

>The dealership will also pay restitution to two consumers who were victims of the deceptive sales practices, Formella said.


matt71109 t1_j1qjzza wrote

“Two consumers,” but there are more than just two consumers affected by their practices.