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gregor-sans t1_j1124l3 wrote

How did O’Bien become such a large group? (Or at least appear to be large) The guy on the tv seems fairly young to have amassed so much.


Tiredoftheact t1_j11ee3z wrote

I’m sure he has silent partners and is probably swimming in debt.


dorvann t1_j11kfhr wrote

> silent partners

AHHH, YES. "Silent partners."

Hopefully --for him--these partners(if there are any) are fine, upstanding citizens...

and NOT "connected" to unsavory groups.


Wtfisgoinonhere t1_j11ux0h wrote

Doubt it. Dude just has a buncha dealerships. He is also neighbors with Dont’a Hightower in TN: so he has money lol


nixstyx t1_j11j4mw wrote

Car dealerships are almost always family businesses. I can't remember the exact reason why... something about it's easier to inherit a license to sell than it is to get one otherwise. I don't have any knowledge about this particular business, but I'd wager a large sum that his primary qualification for running a dealership is his genes.