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SheeEttin t1_j2ux9j0 wrote

I don't see anything in the article about him threatening or approaching the officers. How do you know this?


AuthorSnow t1_j2uygz2 wrote

He was tasered and shot. Both clearly felt justified. It’s intuitively obvious. Being willfully stupid isn’t an argument. Had a knife. Responding to a domestic. Yeah the cops just showed the fuck up and was like, meh, die - shot. Shut the fuck up. The knife in itself is threatening. I like how you bypassed by question. Let me approach you with a knife. You gonna just let me stab you? So fucking blatantly stupid this one


SheeEttin t1_j2v02zj wrote

So you don't know it, and you're just assuming.


AuthorSnow t1_j2v0ld4 wrote

No, it’s not aSsUmInG 🥴🥴

It’s inferring. It’s a domestic, guy was brandishing a knife. Both cops clearly felt justified in in using force. Fucking retarded. Let me just approach you with a knife…you just gonna stand there? No. Fucking idiot.


HikeEveryMountain t1_j2wzv31 wrote

Where did you read that the kid approached the cops with the knife? I only read that he had a knife, there was no mention of specifically what he did with it.