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SheeEttin t1_j2wbvxz wrote


America_the_Horrific t1_j2wg68x wrote

It's not insufficient training, that's a bullshit cop out. It's what they are trained to do warrior training bullshit is rampant in US police departments and it ultimately boils down to "shoot first or you'll be shot"


Vivid-Construction93 t1_j2ww1b5 wrote

You do know cops are severely undertrained for their jobs in most aspects right. And attending a rifle or pistol course isnt exactly training either especially when not every course is created equal


masochist_malarky t1_j2yhwer wrote

Absolutely retarded take, you’ve clearly never had any sort of training or met anyone who’s ever been trained.


interweb_gangsta t1_j2wr58v wrote

>And sure, I could be wrong. But I could also be right, and have been many times before about shit like this. It’s incredibly sad either way, but if this ends up being a child who desperately needed help but “fell through the cracks” and is dead today because nobody intervened until a shot was fired— it’s one more name on a long list of names failed by this state’s abysmal mental health resources and services

What are they doing then in the training? I see the police academy in Concord and they all march like 1 to have a lunch every single day. If they are not practicing pulling their weapons and how to make a difference between them then training is insufficient or police officer didn't meet the criteria to become one. Lastly - they might not have enough repetitive training. If a person was trained 5-10 years ago and if in those 5-10 years police officer never had to pull out a weapon then there has to be some sort of yearly and mandatory training.

This is very, very sad.
