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checdc t1_j2zaiku wrote

1055 people were killed by police in 2021. Only 21 officers faced charges. Aka someone feeling like it wasn't justified. That's 1.9% but that's a little flawed because in the case of unjustified shootings many times it's multiple officers facing charges for 1 shooting which would make that an even smaller %. With that said only 1/3rd of officers who are charged are found guilty of an unjustified shooting which means at best 0.6. So I guess I was off by a little bit it's 99.3% ish are justified sry lol


[deleted] t1_j2zdmhx wrote



checdc t1_j2ziw3p wrote

Maybe 10 years ago but not today. Today cops are under a fine microscope. Some would say people like yourself have an unrealistic expectation of their fellow humans. No cop goes to work wanting to end another humans life. I can't imagine the pressure of going to work a thankless job where a mistake in the most adrenaline fueled situation could land me in prison for 20 years. Imagine being 1 year from retirement. Following all your department training and still getting thrown in jail for something someone who wasn't even their thinks you did wrong. All I'm saying is let the facts come out before you condemn those who put it on the line every day.


Clinically-Inane t1_j30nkw2 wrote

Thank you for that last couple sentences; it’s what I’ve been trying to explain all night, but what you just said is the concise bottom line


checdc t1_j2z6el1 wrote

Lol my karma rating is the way it is because I challenge people on their bs. You are a cop hater simple as that. I'm not licking anyone's boots. I'm saying that 99.9% of police shootings are justified but even if that number was 90 or 80 it baffles me how people like you just assume the cop did something wrong. I can provide you links but I find it much more educational when people like yourself go look up answers on your own. If I provide you a source your learn nothing. If you genuinely want to educate yourself I'm happy to help you though.
