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ZacPetkanas t1_j2yowtl wrote

> On Dec. 23, Rep. Rep. Kristina Schultz (D), Rep. Matthew Santonastaso (R), and Rep. Glenn Bailey (R) prefiled House Bill 135 (HB135) for introduction in the 2023 legislative session. The legislation would ban New Hampshire law enforcement officers from seeking, executing, or participating in “no-knock” warrant.

Good, they should be ended.

No knocks are a coping mechanism for lazy police work.


kodiakbear_ t1_j2zapfk wrote

Not to mention unconstitutional


AuthorSnow OP t1_j2zhhre wrote

Correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t SCOTUS say they were constitutional? Don’t get wrong, I think this is incorrect but isn’t that the ruling nonetheless?


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j3191ei wrote

The SCOTUS has frequently ruled that the constitution is made of toilet paper


FrostGamezzTV t1_j34ec8i wrote

Oh so they're the last to have a say in what the constitution means.


Alex_2259 t1_j31i2cu wrote

Except when it benefits the people you expect it to, think Citizens divided (Citizens United ruling)


lendluke t1_j31ggyt wrote

Also, SCOTUS is never granted the power to rule on constitutionality in the constitution (not that I think it has been a net negative to have some body rule on constitutionality, even watered down version).


NHBikerHiker t1_j30hrfw wrote

Late 90s court case — yes, no knock warrants are constitutional. It was a unanimous decision, btw.