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SasquatchGroomer t1_j65ose6 wrote

You'd think a man with that much weed would be a bit more mellow


KillBot9001 t1_j660bkc wrote

Working EMS, these sort rarely have any smarts.


Bill2k OP t1_j662j07 wrote

I bet he blames the truck driver for getting caught.


Zaius1968 t1_j6665lr wrote

And check that all your exterior lights work, valid inspection sticker, registration and drive like a grandma.


Puzzleheaded-Row-511 t1_j669tnf wrote

It's amazing how stupid people can be while breaking the law. You'd think if you're driving around with drugs, you want no attention. Nope, let's start some crap! LoL


Northeastern_J t1_j68acye wrote

If you're driving around with 2lbs of weed Don't point your gun at people on the highway

Fixed it


Daymeeon t1_j6af3x7 wrote

Well you know when someones ass is too dumb to shit out of then it will backup into the empty space in their skull and they will have official shit for brains which becomes obvious to everyone else within a 10 yard radius when they spew it everytime their suck hole opens. But at least their hollow head is no longer a waste of space just a space with waste . Mama didn't raise no fool she just sniffed paint until she squished him out behind a scuzzy Bodega dumpster in Atlantic city .
