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smartest_kobold t1_j54moum wrote

Puberty creates a number dramatic bodily changes. Puberty blockers prevent a developing young person from going through a body changing in ways they do not want, may have to pay to reverse as an adult, and going through a second set of gender affirming changes. With all the trauma of those experiences.

Allowing children who are questioning their gender to delay that decision a few years with relatively safe medication is the better choice.


Mercantilean t1_j57kbku wrote

>Allowing children who are questioning their gender to delay that decision a few years with relatively safe medication is the better choice.

Yes, that would be a better choice if it was a real choice, but it's not. Delaying pubertal timing causes all kinds of musculoskeletal and cardiovascular issues.


Mrpgal14 t1_j57qc0m wrote

The major pediatric association in the country disagrees with you


Mercantilean t1_j57qx5i wrote

They disagree about the effects of delayed puberty? They disagree with settled science?


Mrpgal14 t1_j57rhf1 wrote

They disagree that it’s not a choice, they recommend puberty blockers for trans children, the settled science is that it’s an effective form of treatment.