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shervbert t1_j61y4xj wrote

Reply to comment by ralettar in What a tool by Matty_Bee63

And the positive ones? Prohibitionist jackass


ralettar t1_j6379lu wrote

The number of homeless schizophrenics is soy rocketing and I’m supposed to care you want to get high? Get fucked


shervbert t1_j63ef8u wrote

So you think you can just say a correlated fucking fact and think that’s causation? What English class did you last attend my brother or sister. This notion that cannabis is the only variable that could lead to a medical condition like permanent schizophrenia is actually wild. I’m curious where you found that Prohibitionist fact? Have you personally done long term studies on cannabis? Been a long term chronic user, so you could honestly judge affects on yourself. No? Oh? Sit down friend, and no bialy educate yourself through peer reviews medical journals, talk to chronic users who have 30-50 yrs experience! Mulch love, hope today gets better for youz


ralettar t1_j66bw98 wrote

You’re just ignorant of the research showing cannabis causes exacerbated schizophrenia. Or you’re a moron. Either one or both I guess. Do you run into a lot of morons during the course of the day?