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chain_me_up t1_j37hh2a wrote

I understand the joke, I just don't think it's that amusing and find it weird how many NH people are like...vehemently against any non-NH people being in the state.


RelativeMotion1 t1_j37lqxz wrote

Every state sub in New England does this to some extent.

The MA and Boston subs shit on CT and RI drivers, with occasional commentary on trucks with NH plates. The ME sub shits on every vehicle with a plate that isn’t ME.


combatbydesign t1_j37r8q6 wrote

For real, though: Connecticut can't drive.

Like, collectively as a state they just can't do it.

Driving through Connecticut is an abysmal experience.


shuzkaakra t1_j38ntk3 wrote

Yeah, I was going to say CT drivers are the worst.


combatbydesign t1_j38o7c6 wrote

It definitely has to do with the way Rt 15 is constructed, but HOLY FUCK... in no other state do drivers STOP in the middle of the highway to exit.


hardsoft t1_j3alwfp wrote

Part of that is their moronic use of left hand exists.

But I think New Yorkers are even worse... It's like things just keep downhill as you head South and West.


koolaidfrozenpizza_ t1_j3b1oi7 wrote

I grew up in CT and have been living up here since I started college and my driving has mellowed out so much. My friends tell me I've been reformed lol. Any time I go down to visit I always see some crazy shit.


combatbydesign t1_j3bb9qg wrote

I remember riding down 15 to NYC and just seeing cardboard boxes ALL over the road.


About a mile down there was a box truck that looked like it had exploded because it had clipped one of the bridges, presumably going 65.

No clue how it didn't cause a massive pileup/jam.

That was my first experience going through CT.


EastCoastDizzle t1_j3b50ym wrote

Yup. Can confirm CT drivers are the worsttt. I cringe everytime I see a CT plate.


chain_me_up t1_j37moxe wrote

I think anyone from any state who does this is weird lol


RelativeMotion1 t1_j37pwyq wrote

If they’re completely serious about it, I agree. I think a lot of it is tongue-in-cheek, though. It also existed as a cultural thing long before online commentary platforms; I remember being a kid 30 years ago and hearing my parents make comments about “Massholes” driving.


shenanighenz t1_j383gdq wrote

It’s not that deep bro.


chain_me_up t1_j3844w7 wrote

I don't mean to imply it's a major issue, I just find it super strange because we're all American citizens and I've never thought about another person negatively because of what state they come from.


shenanighenz t1_j389qb7 wrote

Just think of it as ribbing your sibling. We get on each others nerves. Tease eachother. But at the end of the day we’d be there if something went wrong. (Like after the last big storm it was MA linemen that restored my power) You can drive yourself crazy over the jokes but in the end that’s all it is.


lubelle12 OP t1_j390b11 wrote

Exactly! Thank you. It’s all in good fun and if you don’t get it, you don’t get it.


Liberatedhusky t1_j38ac48 wrote

The Massholes thing isn't even that bad when you consider what I've heard people from CT called.



Visual_Lie4906 t1_j3b5hhy wrote

I’m a west coaster living in NH and at least the massholes know how to drive. As for VT shitting on NH and vice versa, I don’t get it….I was at a NYE party in VT w new friends and they asked why the hell I live in NH! I don’t see much difference.


lubelle12 OP t1_j37husv wrote

I can’t speak for anyone but myself. I’m not against anyone moving here, from any State. It’s just a word association and everyone knows it’s 99% related to driving habits, not a personal attack. I know MA people who call themselves Massholes. 🤷🏼‍♀️


shenanighenz t1_j384ga6 wrote

I think if anything actually bothers me about it is when people do care so much. I’m a born Masshole, grew up in Nh and now live in Maine. No New England population Is as different from eachother as these stereotypes act. Maybe it’s because I spent a year in living in North Carolina and that gave me culture shock but anytime I see New Englanders bicker it feels like siblings poking at eachother


combatbydesign t1_j37qvkg wrote

Those people also walk into a Dunkin Donuts, daily, and order a "great one" with extra extra, then make fun of Starbucks size names.


hedoeswhathewants t1_j37xdqt wrote

This is one of the weirdest things about this sub. I lived there a couple years (and I'm not from MA) and I never heard a single person complaining about Mass or Mass residents, but people on here are fucking obsessed with talking shit about Mass. To be honest it comes across as an inferiority complex.


heeyyyyooo t1_j3bmuws wrote

Considering most of the people from southern NH are from MA, how does that make any sense?