Submitted by gman2391 t3_104y22p in newhampshire

Starting a new job in Manchester in a couple weeks so it looks like I'll be getting to know the city.

What are some known areas to avoid or the "bad" areas? What are some places I should definitely check out?



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mmirate t1_j37lpdb wrote

That's easy. Tree streets.


A_Man_Who_Writes t1_j37q7mw wrote

Crazy how this is generally true in a lot of cities. That and Pleasant St


ifukkedurbich t1_j3889rj wrote

Same in Nashua. The tree streets aren't as bad here, but it's still the least nice part of the city.


nobletrout0 t1_j3btr5m wrote

Are there any nice parts of nashua?


ifukkedurbich t1_j3cv8f3 wrote

South Nashua is pretty Nice, so is the Broad st area out towards Hollis. North end by Greeley street is my personal favorite though. Lovely homes on tree lined streets, queit and nice but still walking distance to downtown.

Truthfully with the exception of tree streets, parts of downtown, and possibly French Hill, everywhere in the city ranges from decent to nice. French Hill is a bit crappy but overall not bad, just kinda dumpy.

Edit: I also forgot to mention the Fifield street area, south east of downtown. Again, quiet and nice, homes are cute and nice, but still walking distance to downtown.


scttcs t1_j387a6v wrote

Which is ironic because Pleasant St isn’t pleasant lol


ThunderySleep t1_j3e9drj wrote

Hadn't heard this before. Think it's just that a lot of cities have streets named after trees.


Clinically-Inane t1_j3awrwy wrote

the furthest north ends of all the tree streets are fine; it’s like being in a different city when you get to north ash street, it’s actually bizarre how fast it shifts in that area


gmcgath t1_j3bu38v wrote

People keep saying this. It makes no sense. If you avoid Elm Street and South Willow Street, you miss out on most of the city's shopping options (though I wouldn't want to be on much of Elm St. late at night).


FreezingRobot t1_j37pl8g wrote

Manchester's not THAT bad, despite what people say, especially compared to big cities.

Generally avoid the tree streets (east of Elm St), especially at night if you're by yourself. Avoid the parks if you're by yourself. Watch out for homeless encampments.

What kind of job did you get?


gman2391 OP t1_j37q4qd wrote

This is pretty much my understanding. I'm just not looking to catch myself on the wrong street unknowingly.

I'm a manufacturing engineer


UNHskuh t1_j37qqyo wrote

That won't happen. I've lived around here since I was born and essentially anything you'd want to/be doing if you're just working there/wanting to get some tasty food or do something fun is perfectly fine. I've never even been close to seeing an issue. Unless you like taking night time walks in dark areas that look sketchy I don't think you'll have any problems.


gman2391 OP t1_j37raum wrote

I more or less assumed this was the case, thank you for the reassurance!


UNHskuh t1_j37tw11 wrote

No problem! Also if you're new to NH welcome! If you're looking to do some pickup soccer/volleyball/pickleball lemme know!


FreezingRobot t1_j37sdbn wrote

Yea, Manchester's really not like that. You're not going to walk into the wrong area and someone will take violent offense to your presence. It's more like walking off Elm Street into a dark road and getting mugged kind of thing. There's been a lot of stories in the past few years about that happening in broad daylight in the parks.

It's really just a matter of keeping an eye out for your surroundings, like any city.


Clinically-Inane t1_j3ayam8 wrote

this is accurate

there are a couple areas that aren’t taken care of well and can get a little ~rowdy~ and there’s some smashed TVs on the sidewalk etc but I was still able to walk in those areas alone— or with my young child— regularly without a problem when I lived in Manch for a few years

I got aggressively catcalled once by a really drunk guy near where the Dominos is on Maple St and I told him to suck my dick and kept walking home with my pizza 🤷🏻‍♀️ (*my kid was not with me that time)


smartest_kobold t1_j37vfa6 wrote

If you've ever lived in an actual city, it's all pretty safe.

If you cry yourself to sleep after hearing people speak a little Spanish, stay out.


lakeorjanzo t1_j3aq58r wrote

Yeah, I’m from Nashua, have lived in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn for 7 years now. If anyone thinks anywhere in NH is “rough” in any capacity, it’s 100% subconscious racism or classism. Working class/diverse areas are not “the hood”


Clinically-Inane t1_j3aywso wrote

I would take a look at the Somersworth crime statistics. They are not good and I would never choose to live there

But I agree that in general there aren’t really rough places in NH. Manchester can be sucky sometimes for petty stuff like car breakins or a stolen package (I lived there for a few years, on a tree street no less) but the sharks and the jets aren’t roaming around snapping and looking for people to fight, and the way people talk about it sometimes you wouldn’t know that


StoicTrickster t1_j37o3nq wrote

No place in Manchester is that bad, in my experience, but the worst areas IMO are

New Horizons on Manchester and Pine.

Walsh Ave. on the west side.

Stanton Park.


nnmk t1_j3andcy wrote

>Stanton Park

I used to throw a frisbee with my friends at Stanton Park all the time. Mid-day. Never noticed anything sketch—what was I missing?


StoicTrickster t1_j3cr7fy wrote

Broad day light you'd be fine. Don't go there after dark though. My DM lived across the street from the park near the Elementary school there. We would hear gunshots all the time.
Once there was a fire fight on the south side of the park. Their were so many shots we all figured it was firecrackers, nope. When we left 45 minutes later, half the manch pd was there investigating.


chain_me_up t1_j37rjnk wrote

I live right off of Elm street and I have for a bit over 2 years. Honestly my only advice would be not to walk around alone at night, be kind to those when you can, and remember that you can always get a ring camera and/or dash camera for extra safety. Keep your doors for your house and car locked as I've seen handprints on my doors in the morning from break in attempts. Honestly, it's really not as unsafe as it is sometimes portrayed and I say this as a 24 year old woman, welcome to the area !!


chevyadsict83 t1_j380ctf wrote

"Not unsafe" "get cameras, attempted breakins" lol.


chain_me_up t1_j380rc5 wrote

I mean I'd take these precautions living anywhere. I grew up in a farm area in MA and I still did this stuff, honestly I think it's crazy to not always make sure everything is locked or to walk around alone at night 🤷‍♀️ I don't have a house camera (I rent), but I can check my cars cameras anytime.


sysadminsavage t1_j37xesa wrote

This question comes up a lot in the NH and Manchester subreddits. I usually recommend taking a look at this map. The tree street advice is a bit outdated at this point imo. Parts of Elm, Chestnut, Beech, Maple and Ash are in beautiful parts of the city with million-dollar homes.

Particular areas to avoid include the area where the grid diverts between Central High School (South St, Jane St, etc.), the Cumbies by Bronstein Park, and most of the Kalivas Union neighborhood. On the west side you'll want to avoid the Piscataquog and parts of the Notre Dame neighborhood south of Sullivan St. Most of these areas are just run down rather than dangerous. If you're not looking for trouble or selling drugs they're usually fine to drive through. Welcome to our fair city, let us know if you have any questions about particular streets.


thrunabulax t1_j38iczy wrote

so basically, everywhere in Manchester you should not live in


gman2391 OP t1_j385541 wrote

That map is very helpful, thank you


usual_nerd t1_j38y01y wrote

That map has some decent/nice neighborhoods in red. Trust your instincts, the sketchy areas look sketchy. Drive around, see what looks good and not good, you’ll know.


Zestyclose-Fig6301 t1_j38g7p8 wrote

Manchester is the “safest” city I’ve ever been to. Some homeless, some assholes. But if you have spent anytime in real cities, you’ll consider it wonderland.


Clinically-Inane t1_j3b0ikk wrote

I think what turns a lot people off about Manchester is that it’s overwhelmingly low income (and we’re all aware that a large part of the city is brownskinned, and that’s too scary for a lot of people) so there aren’t any super swank neighborhoods and a lot of the city is run down, and people automatically equate that to very bad/dangerous. Shit happens there and I’m happier where I am now but it’s not a place where people move to die

If someone can’t handle living in Manchester for a few years they probably can’t handle living in a real city unless it’s in a guarded building and they never go anywhere other than their own neighborhood


lcappellucci t1_j38ft43 wrote

None. Lock your car and don’t leave valuables visible in it (I follow those rules EVERYWHERE). But it isn’t the kind of place where you’re going to get mugged or assaulted out of nowhere just because you took a wrong turn down a shady street. I’m a 38 year old female, I’d say my situational awareness is average, and Ive been running on all the “tree streets” and all over Manch regularly for the past 3 years and I’ve seen some sketchy stuff but never ever felt unsafe. Well, safe from the kind of thing you’re worried about - on plenty of the roads I’m extremely concerned about distracted drivers as a pedestrian.


Queasy_Turnover t1_j37lqxt wrote

I can't help you since I'm not all that familiar with Manchester, but prepare yourself for maybe one serious answer here and a bunch of people telling you to avoid it completely.


gman2391 OP t1_j37m394 wrote

Thank you, this is fully what I am expecting. Just hoping to find a real response or 2 mixed in


Queasy_Turnover t1_j37mqf9 wrote

I will say that you should try and catch a Fisher Cats game in the summer, they're a good time if you like baseball and it's like $10 for a ticket.


SasquatchGroomer t1_j37odnv wrote

I'm not from Manchester. But if you read a few issues of The Union Leader with a map of the city handy, some obvious patterns will present themselves.


silent_film_actress t1_j37u2hi wrote

Lake Ave has historically been a "bad" area but it's been a few years since I've spent much time there.

The section of Pine Street closest to the homeless shelter has seen problems recently because of a large homeless encampment.

Most areas are just fine for most folks.


oper8orAF t1_j37vk97 wrote

I have a good friend on the Manchester PD night watch and he’s warned me to stay away from just about any housing projects and clubs. He responds to a couple shootings (many victimless/ unlawful discharge) per week.


BlessthisMess31 t1_j383y6y wrote

I’ve lived here on and off between 2012 to present day, and Manchester really isn’t that bad. I’d say the rougher areas are mostly residential with convenience stores, laundromats, etc. you likely won’t be patronizing anyway. Basically, between 10pm - 6am, I’d just avoid walking alone in the area of pine street to maple street, between maybe orange street and somerville street (pine through maple streets run north to south, parallel to elm street, and orange through somerville streets run east to west, perpendicular to elm street), which is easy enough to do.

Enjoy your new job!


turangaziza t1_j393q1u wrote

I feel safe walking on Elm Street, and most redditors would probably consider me an old lady (although I don't!). It's generally bustling with activity and it's hard to imagine it striking fear into the hearts of so many people in this subreddit. I agree with the others who are saying there are sketchy areas, and for the most part you can tell them when you see them, but there also lots of safe, quiet neighborhoods in every direction.

Yes, Manchester has an excessive unhoused population. Individuals from all over the state and even neighboring states are sent to Manchester for assistance even though all the service providers in town are far beyond capacity. It's obnoxious and insensitive to the people in need. But this kind of thing is going on all over the country right now.

Places to check out: The Currier Museum, Dorrs Pond at Livingston Park, Boards & Brews, the Bookery, Dancing Lion Chocolate, the Foundry ... it kinda depends on your interests.


richtl t1_j3967nf wrote

Thank you for the Dancing Lion Chocolate mention! We re-open on Tuesday after a much-needed rest.


AdrianArmbruster t1_j3897zt wrote

I moved here for a job almost a year ago.

Elm street (sort of the ‘main street’ - city hall is there) should be safe. Few homeless people on occasion, but if you were to be mugged there even later at night it’d at least be surprising.

South of the ‘main’ city core near the mall is also safe. North of the main city is safe. West of the river is fairly safe. Out in the periphery/suburbs should be extra safe.

The area immediately east of Elm street is the ‘bad part of town’ that most complaints on the subreddit about drugs/homelessness/crime stem from. There’s a homeless encampment around there, and weather permitting they’ll switch over to one of the nearby parks. Seen a grand total of one altercation leading to arrest in the past year with my own eyes, so it’s not like assaults are rampant.

This is one of the safest states in the country and the worst parts of its largest city are… right around the national average, as far as I know.


margismith1111 t1_j386qur wrote

I forgot about the West side! Anywhere near West High and CMC


ShortUSA t1_j3a61ox wrote

There's no place more dangerous on the west side than inside CMC, getting any treatment or procedure.


richtl t1_j396468 wrote

I live and work in Manchester. I used to live and work in Los Angeles. Manchester's a pretty safe city.


golden_ange t1_j37p874 wrote

you'll be able to tell! elm st is fun obvi. it's not scary here hahaha


gman2391 OP t1_j37qlga wrote

If I can tell, I've already gone too far!!


KrissaKray t1_j386wz9 wrote

The Trees. (Spruce, Cedar, Pine, Beech, Maple, Chestnut)

I lived for 12 years on the South Side wiiiicked close to the Londonderry line (got out of dodge about 6 mos ago) and that's probably the best-removed from all the BS Manchester has to offer.


Pizzaloverfor t1_j39a3ac wrote

Manchester is pretty safe. It gets nicer north of Bridge Street and much nicer North of Webster.

There are little gems in the “tree streets area” so don’t be intimidated to venture off elm.

We moved here from Boston recently because my wife grew up in the city and bought a great house in the North End, which is great


Hotdogwiz t1_j3a37uh wrote

Rochester has a higher crime rate than Manchester according to the fbi and it's definitely not a dangerous place to be so all the hype about manchvegas is certainly overblown.


Clinically-Inane t1_j3b2b0v wrote

The highest crime rate in the state is in somersworth and even that’s not much above the national average


Hotdogwiz t1_j3crhwa wrote

Exactly, you would be nuts to feel unsafe there. The NH cities don't place in the highest crime rate cities in new England and neither does Lawrence or Lowell. They all have incidents since they have a lot of people living there but the rates of crime are relatively low.


Clinically-Inane t1_j3hjzv1 wrote

I grew up in Lawrence but had no idea the crime rate there gets exaggerated tbh

I assumed people were being accurate when they said there’s an unusually high crime rate


D321G t1_j3ko4fe wrote

Yeah i’m pretty sure the most dangerous places in New England are near the Springfield area. Although old money Boston folks will have you think Lawrence is a war zone.


Clinically-Inane t1_j3kwyec wrote

I looked it up— according to FBI stats our chances of being the victim of a crime in Lawrence MA is 1 in 89, and it’s right around the national average

In Somersworth NH our risk of the same is 1 in 28 😐

We really just love to blame everything on people who are low income or living in poverty and people with brown skin, and Lawrence and Manchester make pretty damn easy targets in that regard— which is sad and pathetic


Clinically-Inane t1_j3l1jtx wrote

Maybe the reason I grew up thinking Lawrence was overall ~dangerous and crimey~ is because I lived in the area that’s marked with the red X on this map during that time; I find it hard to believe the neighborhood by neighborhood stats are the same or even close to the same now as they were when I lived there multiple decades ago, and if not maybe it’s just what I was exposed to (the people my parents kept company with, getting the shit beat out of me by a classmate on my way home from school in 2nd grade— I was allowed to walk alone to and from school at Weatherbee starting in 1st grade if that tells you anything, and at some point that’s fuzzy timewise there was the murder of a neighbor) along with what everyone around me was always saying (“Joe Schmoe is a drug dealer😮”) at the point in my life when I was young, impressionable, and didn’t have a great grasp on the world around me yet


ShortUSA t1_j3aanvi wrote

I've lived in a number of cities large NYC, London and small like Manchester, and others you haven't heard of.

By and large, with regard to safely, how one carries themself when out and about in any city matters more than the city and neighborhood they're in. There is no where in Manchester I don't go due to safety concerns.

NH is sufficiently affluent and suburban that a small percentage of the those venturing into Manchester are horrified to see poor people, sometimes living in the street. And they'll lose sleep over being asked for change or a five. Its mostly these folks who give Manchester a bad name and scare other people.

Also, know that almost 10% of the population of NH lives in Manchester, so it's quite different from most of the state: many more people, density, homes, etc etc etc. More. More is often bad to suburbanites.


itsallbacon t1_j37ua4c wrote

Anywhere in Manchester is still better than most places in the rest of the country. Just keep your eyes up wherever you go and you’ll probably be fine!


hyzerlady t1_j38995y wrote

It may be an unpopular opinion, but I would avoid walking on many trail systems alone, personally. The rail trail on the south side has had tons of problems and even a murder in broad daylight. The Piscataquag rail trail has a lot of homeless camps. The Massabesic trails are popular, but people get mugged there. I’d just avoid being anywhere isolated by yourself. Use your street smarts everywhere else and you’ll be fine. It’s not that bad, it’s not that great though either.


Clinically-Inane t1_j3azorl wrote

Have they found bodies/skeletal human remains on the rail trail a few times in the last decade or so or am I thinking of somewhere else? I just remember being shocked by it because NH— even Manchester— just isn’t very murdery


hyzerlady t1_j3bpsw0 wrote

There was a murder in broad daylight back in September on the south rail trail. People I know have had some very scary encounters on that trail. I believe there have been several other deaths too. It’s just really not safe even though it’s in an otherwise okay part of Manchester.


TriumphST675 t1_j3bx6y0 wrote

Nothing in Manchester is that bad. You’ll get those pockets of small trashy neighborhoods, but no real threats like gangs or drug dealers out in the wild.


TrotskyTMBO83 t1_j3cg19w wrote

As someone who worked in Manchester here's what I can tell you:

Avoid Bridge Street, Valley Street, and the New Horizons Shelter sidewalks if you don't want to get held up by Junkies (Personal experience ). Another thing to avoid is Market Basket on Welfare day which can be a mad house with everyone on line with multiple shopping carts.

And whatever you do avoid the West Side After 7pm.


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j37o303 wrote

Check out pawtuckaway. Its right up the road from Manch and its a great place to hike. As for the city itself... you'll know where to avoid by counting how many needles are on the ground.


margismith1111 t1_j386h3c wrote

Don't go on Manchester street, anywhere near Elm St city area ( Union, Hanover, Lake, Pine, Lowell, Maple, Wilson, Valley, Spruce, Cedar, Lincoln, Silver, Somerville; that area)


Alternative_Nail1632 t1_j3889bf wrote

My exes place on Granite street….bad news. She will fuck you for days then ruin you


gman2391 OP t1_j38a1re wrote

I stopped listening after "she will fuck you for days" tbh


Nismotech_52 t1_j38sbge wrote

If it ends in “anchester”. Jokes. Stay away from tree streets.


Old_man_Hopposai t1_j39af9m wrote

I haven’t been living there for a while, but I always avoid all the parks at night. Never had any trouble. Trust your street senses. If your brain tells you not to go down that street, don’t go.


sgtragequit t1_j3a24p9 wrote

when in doubt, avoid tree streets as everyones said already


DynaBro8089 t1_j3bcxri wrote

It’s New Hampshire. Regardless your in one of the safest states in the country. That being said crime happens in some of the nicest places, just use your head and avoid a situation or area that your gut tells you isn’t a good idea. Realistically though 99% of the time your safe and there won’t be an issue.


klopeks_basement t1_j3bmegi wrote

I live on one of the tree streets that people constantly claim is an area to avoid. I've lived here over a year. Compared to Philly it's nothing lol. There is a homeless encampment like 5 blocks away but I've never had an issue with that. I'm not one to go wandering around after dark. A few times we've walked down to elm st and back but never encountered anything weird.

In my 1.5yr experience I have seen homeless people around but they generally leave you alone. Saw a guy pissing on bush next to my building and have had a couple ask me for change outside the Cumberland farms but compared to Philly or Baltimore that's very tame lol. I don't regularly wander around the city but when I have, I've personally never seen used needles anywhere. For crime, one time I accidentally left my truck unlocked (I work a lot so it truly was an accident) and that happened to be the nite that someone decided to rummage through my car. All they took was a spare wallet with some cash in it and all the change. They left the Leatherman, the $200 LL Bean raincoat and loaded handgun mags in the car though lol. I was still pissed off but oh well. One time we also were woken up by cops executing a warrant a couple blocks away. Had the whole block filled with police cars and were yelling at him to open the door through a like 5am... lol

There's been a few times I've seen something that sketched me out and when I go to buy a house it won't be in the area I live now, but with that said, it's really not that bad. ESPECIALLY during the day. You'll be fine. And if you're still weirded out get some pepper spray or carry piece. NH has great resources for everyone to exercise 2A rights if you want to and the training for it too. 👍


a-pences t1_j3bp0id wrote

At 70 comments for a very small city in a very small state. Only in America.


boutell1 t1_j3bunpk wrote

Manch isn’t that bad concidering other cities are much worse. Elm is fun, there is a delicious pizza place further down Elm called Elm House of Pizza. Hop Knot is a cool (I think somewhat new) restaurant that sells pretzel based food, had one of the best sandwiches of my life there recently. JFK for hockey/skating. Def check out a Fisher Cats game. If you like golfing head over to Derryfield. Welcome OP!


akmjolnir t1_j3cp7af wrote

Don't play in the road.


ThunderySleep t1_j3e9ng7 wrote

The impression I get is Manchester's just dumpy overall. Not like a big city where you have entire neighborhoods that you just don't go in for safety reasons.

I mean, looking for housing, it's probably important to ask what parts are sketchier, but just walking around exploring, I don't think it's a situation where you desperately need to avoid areas.


petergriffin999 t1_j38hjlr wrote

So weird how things shifted so quickly.

I used to rent an apartment on pine about 800 ft from bunny's superette, and it was super safe, never a worry.

Of course, this was back in '89....