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SomeCalcium t1_j38vqbu wrote

She's been fine in Manchester. She was dealt a bit of a shitty hand since Gatsas was a terrible mayor, and the homeless problem accelerated due to no fault of her own. She's also been left to tackle the school redistricting issue that Gatsas completely ignored while he was there. Manchester has a bit of a weird system where the Mayor is also head of the school board.

My parents live in Manchester and do a lot of volunteer work. They like her quite a bit.


KrissaKray t1_j38xav6 wrote

I moved out of Manchester because the last 37392637 years with her as mayor have just sent it right down the toilet. I refused to let my property tax dollars fund that garbage heap of a city.


SomeCalcium t1_j38y07z wrote

Well, she's not a governor, she's a mayor. She's also only been mayor since 2017 so about six years? Gatsas was mayor from 2009 until he lost to her in 2017 so he was in office for longer than she had been.

edit: I should probably clarify, she started her term in 2018, she was elected in November of 2017. She's still serving her second term and will be up for reelection again this year.

Wait, I'm wrong and my math is bad. It's three terms.


KrissaKray t1_j390hgo wrote

Sorry I mis"spoke" I fixed it. I was on a rant, wrong words came out lol


CDogNH t1_j39zx4t wrote

LOL. Forget the weed. You need to get off the crack. She's awful, and it's her fault, not anyone else's.
