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Novasadog t1_j3boqkr wrote

I don't think that nh reddit is qualified to answer the question. Your best bet would be to contact one of the transgender support groups in the area, such as:

What I can tell you is that Nh medicaid (and nh human services in general) is notoriously cheap. NH negotiates fees ahead of time with the medical community, and not all doctors accept Medicaid because of this.

Good luck with your search.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j3c0oo3 wrote

Doesnā€™t cover my personal steroid usage, why should it cover your personal choice? Pay for your own electives yourself and leave the funds available for people with actual need like, you know, cancer, serious drug addiction, auto immune diseases, etc.

Edit: let me be clear, if you want to get HRT, by all means go for it. If you donā€™t feel like your in your right body, do whatever you want. If youā€™re gay, go ahead, if you believe your a duck, go ahead and get webbed feet. All I say is donā€™t ask the taxpayer to fund your decision. I pay for my own steroids because Iā€™m an adult. If your 18 and want to get your face tattooed, go ahead, pay for it yourself. Thatā€™s what freedom should be. I support medical aid to those who canā€™t afford it, no one should die from a curable or treatable disease because they donā€™t have enough money. But for electives, personal choices like HRT, body augmentation or tattoos, that by no means should be funded by anyone other then yourself.


zetterbeauty t1_j3d3psy wrote

Get off your high horse, nobody gives a shit about your steroids.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j3dhs6i wrote

Thatā€™s good, no one should give a shit about my steroids, hence why I pay for them. No one should give a shit about peopleā€™s personal issues, hence PERSONAL issues. If you feel the need to support people in their personal choices, feel free to toss some money in OPs direction to help them.


Emeleigh_Rose t1_j3e30w4 wrote

There are lots of health issues that you could say are personal choice. Smoking over-eating and obesitiy, addictions. I'm guessing you don't consider gender dysphoria an actual issue for trans folks or think it's a choice, so you prefer your tax dollars not going to it.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j3f3xsu wrote

Frankly things like over eating and smoking shouldnā€™t be covered by public tax dollars either. Those again, hurt the individual, but not the community, therefore personal issue. The opioid epidemic was directly used against the PUBLIC by the big pharma companies, Purdue in particular. It damages the public as a whole, just look at Manchester if you donā€™t believe me, obesity and smoking didnā€™t turn that city into the relative shithole it is now. And (though the companyā€™s themselves should foot the whole bill but we know that isnā€™t gonna happen) public dollars should be used to help those addicts and fight the inflow of drugs.

Helping obese people, smokers, and trans wishing to transition, is not a ā€œfor the betterment of the publicā€ cause, but rather for those individuals themselves.


zetterbeauty t1_j3eyocv wrote

Look at his profile. Heā€™s your run of the mill bigoted MAGAt.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j3f3fsk wrote

See here you go, I didnā€™t say a single thing against trans people. I entirely encourage someone to express themselves, be it gay, trans, bi, religious beliefs, whatever. I just donā€™t think the taxpayer dollar should be used to further someoneā€™s own personal beliefs. But I express that, no segregationist talk, no anger, no bigotry at all. Everyone is well within their rights and should have the freedom to pursue whatever happiness they want. But because I think thereā€™s better uses for tax dollars, that makes me a bigot?

Our nation is widely divided on political lines already, and the ease of pressing the ā€œbigotā€ button, on BOTH SIDES of the political aisle, only divide us futher. Rather then debate, you simply pressed the ā€œhe voted for someone else therefore I can never agreeā€ button and took the east way out


zetterbeauty t1_j3f4gv6 wrote

Saying being trans is a choice is being against trans people. And in your comment further down in the thread, you seemed pretty angry when you eviscerated OP as a teeth gnashed who screeches about oppression, which they didnā€™t do at any point. Thereā€™s no reasoning, much less debating, to be had with you.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j3gvslm wrote

When did I say being trans is a choice? If you can show it I will apologize. All I said was it was a personal issue, not a public one, therefore not requiring public funding.

And anger wasnā€™t any part of that statement, but rather based on the OPs previous comments level of snarkyness and frankly, I have yet to see a trans person who doesnā€™t act like they are more persecuted then the Jews in Poland circa 1939.


Newgidoz t1_j3d2x9p wrote

Pretty sure they didn't make a personal choice to suffer from gender dysphoria


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j3dhmcm wrote

No, but neither did the rest of the taxpayers did they? Why should we foot their bill?


Newgidoz t1_j3diaml wrote

You think taxpayers should have to have chosen for someone to have a health issue before it can be insured?


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j3cjxi5 wrote

Transition treatment is more akin to drug addiction treatment than elective like steroid use.

Both you can "just deal with" without dying but the mental strain results in stuff like overdose with drugs and increased risk of suicide for transitions.

Whether or not people on Reddit agree is irrelevant.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j3cr4hq wrote

Sadly Iā€™d agree except drug addiction treatment isnā€™t fully covered by the state, or else we wouldnā€™t still be in the epidemic we are. So Iā€™ll stand by my point, itā€™s something that should be treated with your own money. The system may be broken, but there are more pressing issues to address in regards to Medicare then the small amount of people needing HRT. Let HRT cover it AFTER they cover drug treatment. Frankly Iā€™ve heard more about Trans in the last few years because itā€™s a tiny issue being yelled loudest by the few. Meanwhile drug addicts go swept under the rug completely, when itā€™s a dramatically bigger and more dangerous issue. Rampant drug addiction is a PUBLIC issue, therefore should be helped with public funds. Someone believing their a women or a man despite how they were born is a PRIVATE issue, and should be dealt with privately.


NeitherAsk1441 OP t1_j3cvxxc wrote

Drug addicts could help themselves but they'll lose their friends and stop being cool if they do that.

I just recently separated myself from the same kinds of people. It was easy: I made the choice.


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j3d1uj7 wrote

For someone presumably pushing the modern style of thinking in regards to gender and equality, you have a very antiquated view on drug addicts. Across the board, both society wide and medically, drug addiction, in particular opioid addiction which is the biggest issue in NH, and across the USA, is completely acknowledged as a chemical rewriting of the brain that the addicts themselves cannot simply ā€œdecideā€ to change.

For someone who Iā€™m sure wails and gnashes their teeth against the oppression and lack of equality of a very minor group of the population, Iā€™m gently surprised at your total lack of insight or compassion to the victims of the opioid crisis.

Though I suppose Iā€™m not surprised, many people are so self absorbed that anyoneā€™s issues beyond the length of your own nose are not important.


zetterbeauty t1_j3d3wta wrote

Youā€™re making a lot of judgement based off of a perfectly reasonable question by OP. Are you projecting perhaps?


Hereforthemadness1 t1_j3dhit4 wrote

Projecting what? Iā€™m well aware of my insecurities, personal demons and methods of dealing with them. I donā€™t ask anyone to help, I pay for it myself.


zetterbeauty t1_j3dl1ta wrote

You assumed they ā€œgnash their teeth about oppressionā€ over a simple question they asked and completely eviscerated their character. You may not ask people for help, but you clearly need it.


PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j3dg9nm wrote

Yeah the dudes who live in the woods on the edge of my town are real concerned with looking cool. Thatā€™s a bad take.


[deleted] t1_j3a537s wrote



NeitherAsk1441 OP t1_j3a5c9n wrote

Stop getting pregnant.




State Medicaid policy explicitly covers transition-related health care
ā€¢ See NH Medicaid Care Management Program Member Handbook (p56; 2019)
ā€¢ Formerly, state explicitly excluded transition-related care (see New Hampshire Medicaid
Services (Form 77L) (2017)). Ban lifted in Oct 2017


WapsuSisilija t1_j3abl5r wrote

I hope so.


NeitherAsk1441 OP t1_j3dqud2 wrote

They do, I just checked. Its EXPLICITLY covered. Remember to tell that to the trumpkins to get them extra red in the face. Explicitly :P


CDogNH t1_j3dqq9y wrote

Let's hope not.


[deleted] t1_j3ac1zs wrote



NeitherAsk1441 OP t1_j3ac4r3 wrote

You already did and you lost didn't you? You're not rioting anything. Go move to Florida, we can trade places.


seanwalter123 t1_j3ad64j wrote

Nah, that was a bunch of idiots who walked into a fed honeypot for a false god. Good one tho


NeitherAsk1441 OP t1_j3aeizp wrote

Uhhh, wut?

Whatever bro take your medicine.


Plenty-Cattle9791 t1_j3a6en8 wrote

OP , that was cold. Letā€™s all be respectful. You wouldnā€™t want anyone being so rude in an answer to your question. Letā€™s all do better this year
