Submitted by nullcompany t3_10l3ltn in newhampshire

That power outage was a pretty long one, curious what you guys do in this case...

So my fridge was out for a while ... I have an IR heat thermometer and the instant after I opened the fridge, the stuff was 54 degrees. I know the milk is bad cause it was bulging (slightly, not a lot) but do you guys keep your condiments?

I figure mayonnaise is obviously a dud, probably the 1/2 and 1/2, cole slaw leftovers, those seem obvious. All my ice cream was soupy, so it's not going to re-freeze anyways, it wont have the right texture.

But anything related to pickles is basically bullet proof right?

Or should I just go all in and chuck the entire thing, a feast for seagulls?



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Strict_Zebra_3585 t1_j5uzab2 wrote

We put our food outside in Nature's refrigerator if the generator is down.


Enough_Device_6023 t1_j5y4o16 wrote

I never actually pack away our summer beach coolers. They just sit on our back porch waiting to become temporary food storage in winter power outages.


SomeSortofDisaster t1_j5ugfyb wrote

My approach is to put a penny on my ice cubes in the freezer. If the penny is still on top of the ice when the power comes back then everything is good, if it's sunk into the ice then the freezer got too warm, and if my freezer got to warm I assume the fridge section did as well.


thread100 t1_j5uj3gp wrote

We use a variation at our camp on an island where we might not know there was an extended power failure. We put an ice cube on the wire shelf. If the ice cube melts, we know the perishables are bad.


YouAreHardtoImagine t1_j5us6rx wrote


Black6host t1_j5v2sze wrote

I am very comfortable with that list. I think it errs on the side of caution, which when dealing with food poisoning, is how I'd like it to err. Thanks for posting the link!


winnipesauke t1_j5vudbg wrote

Eggs can be kept at room temperature. Same with greens (unwashed/uncut). I wouldn’t advise the greens long term, and the eggs only last about three to four days at room temperature.


PNWMunky t1_j5xjafd wrote

Unwashed eggs from the hen lasts months at room temperature.


dogownedhoomun t1_j5vfsqv wrote

Any condiment vinegar based is fine.... ketchup mustard pickles....jams/jelly. Dressings if not dairy/creamy based...

My ketchup and spicy mustard are in my pantry even after opening.,.😱


MingoRepp t1_j60pjlw wrote

Meh, I'd keep it all. Condiments without question, Eggs and meats will let u know when its bad and as far as dairy goes I mean you pour it into scalding hot coffee and mash potatoes with no problems right?