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ZacPetkanas t1_j3m9tbd wrote

> Despite objections from the state, Lewis was later released on personal recognizance bail, according to Weare police. > > Following additional investigation into new leads, Lewis was arrested again last week on dozens of additional charges,

If those new charges occurred after his first arrest the judge who released him should be charged as an accessory to the crimes.


Brave-Resolve-5281 t1_j3mfmka wrote

I mean I’m totally with you there, but unfortunately our justice system sucks and would never hold a judge accountable for their dumb decisions. Someone just let him go to prison and get the hell he deserves


[deleted] t1_j3o9jsi wrote



SheeEttin t1_j3mu5qd wrote

If it makes you feel any better, it was probably new charges based on evidence from investigating the previous charges, not necessarily new crimes.


WWDubz t1_j3o08u7 wrote

Wait until you learn what police officers do every day in the US


smartest_kobold t1_j3mnfmb wrote

What fucking judge let this guy go on PR?


work-n-lurk t1_j3mp7dc wrote

Especially considering his prior indictments:
"Jason Lewis, 38, of 179 Oak Hill Road, Weare, 14 charges, including a pattern of aggravated felonious sexual assault and charges of child endangerment, involving the alleged sexual assault of a girl, beginning when she was 12 years old. The indictments allege the assaults happened between Nov. 1, 2020 and June 20, 2021, with Lewis accused at times of tying the child to a bed and raping her."


Employ-Competitive t1_j3mzb0t wrote

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Kadiliman_1 t1_j3pgd3q wrote

Go biblical. Tie a millstone around his neck and cast him into the sea.


peacelilyfred t1_j3q0abc wrote

Wonder if he was friends with Thomas VanGelder, originally from NH, but arrested in FL for child porn etc


the_nobodys t1_j3mwp5b wrote

That's two disgusting headlines about Weare in two days


Ferahgost t1_j3n8d27 wrote

I missed it, what was the other story about Weare?


the_nobodys t1_j3n8o30 wrote

Unless I'm mistaken, that's where the school racist threats were found, and where school officials did little to address it. You can just sort by new, I think it was yesterday


[deleted] t1_j3nh07w wrote



ZacPetkanas t1_j3o86oi wrote

> This guy has been doing electrical work in my office for like the last year. Last saw him a few weeks ago. Fucking disgusted.

Had you known, you could have disabled the panel lockout on the circuit....


checdc t1_j3njyr2 wrote

When a dog hurts a child the dog is put down. When a human hurts a child why is it any different........


demoran t1_j3mmbm4 wrote

What does "manufacturing child sex abuse images" mean? Taking pictures of little kids getting buggered, or drawings of the same?


FaustusC t1_j3mnf80 wrote

Documenting, as in, doing the buggering on camera.


[deleted] t1_j3mnhq1 wrote

You really want to know that?


demoran t1_j3mnxxp wrote

It's a slippery slope to have no legal difference between "he made a picture drawing of something illegal" and "he did something illegal".

At the end of it, even reporting on or speaking of such a circumstance would be illegal.

edit: remove ambiguity


SheeEttin t1_j3mty9j wrote

It's pretty hard to take a picture of something without doing that thing.


Tai9ch t1_j3n44iu wrote

"Take a picture", sure. But deep fakes have been a thing for a while, so artificial photographs are a possibility for people who are simply accused of possessing images.

That being said, this case sounds like it's the simple scenario: real pictures that document conduct that is a crime independent of the pictures.


Acanthaceae_Square t1_j3p1tic wrote

NH law is always at least 20 years behind being accurate for our current times. In 2 decades this will be a relevant comment on a story like this


pfroyjr t1_j3mp4l2 wrote

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Tai9ch t1_j3n1zck wrote

However obvious a particular case may seem, history is very clear on this point: harsh punishments with reduced due process primarily serve as a political weapon rather than a deterrent against crime.


pfroyjr t1_j3n3dyn wrote

Please, do not mistake my advocating for harsher penalties to mean to say we should skip due process and convictions by a jury of your peers.

I'm simply saying that over time standards have been reduced in nearly every aspect of government and there are far too many loopholes, lenient judges and crooked lawyers. We need people to fear the consequences of actions like child abuse especially in the case of child sexual abuses.


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j3nt8ys wrote

Is it a coincidence that people like this get PR bail in the same state Ghislane Maxwell hid out from law enforcement? Seems like some people in the judicial branch need to be dealt with...


TreePointOhhhhh t1_j3os6v9 wrote

Definitely not a coincidence. They’re still withholding her client list, literally protecting rich elitist pedophiles. They don’t care about the kids, they only care about protecting pedophiles, rapists, and murderers. Look at last summer, they released rapists and murderers in Manchester.


TreePointOhhhhh t1_j3ns4vx wrote

“Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty.”

