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rabblebowser t1_j3nhaxk wrote

Agree with all the negatives (Portsmouth, frisbee). Also meant to add not to work for the concord hospital system (concord, Laconia, Franklin). What part of the state are you? Memorial in Conway and speare in Plymouth are nice. Dartmouth would be such an amazing way to start if you can make the commute work. Elliot will grind your soul into dust but you will learn a lot. CMC and at joes are nice Manchester alternatives.


irr1449 t1_j3p75pd wrote

Memorial in Conway seems like going back in time 20 years. It’s also extremely small. Littleton seemed much much nicer.


comefromawayfan2022 t1_j3rrmcf wrote

I now live near Wolfeboro and if I have to be taken by ambulance and my only choices are memorial or Huggins I'm going to memorial every time because Huggins fucking sucks and their ED gives piss poor care in my opinion.


irr1449 t1_j3rss7v wrote

I've been taken by ambulance to Memorial twice actually and it was fine. The Doctors were great. It makes sense that they have a good ER because of all the people getting hurt skiing, hiking, etc.


comefromawayfan2022 t1_j3rt39e wrote

Yeah I heard that at one point years ago memorial used to be THE place for doctors doing residencies in orthopedics to do their training because of all the skiing, snowboarding, hiking etc injuries


karmacomatic t1_j3vekke wrote

Definitely don’t recommend CMC. I worked for them a total of 4 days of “training” and they showed me how to do everything EXCEPT any parts of my job. Every single person calling in to schedule anything got the complete run around. Told to reach out to their doctors or insurance when it was the doctor or insurance that told them to call us. It was a mess and I couldn’t keep working for such a terribly “service” based practice.