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MikeG782 OP t1_j3u05bh wrote

Reply to comment by grafvonorlok in Business noise complaint by MikeG782

What research would you do?


grafvonorlok t1_j3u1huu wrote

Hard to say without knowing the specifics but if I was moving in next to a business I'd Google then to see what I can find, talk to prospective neighbors, check with my real estate agent, check up on the local zoning and rules.

I've never looked into property near a business of any sort, I prefer rural areas, but that's all stuff I've done for residential properties.

It sounds like a shitty situation and I hope you can find an amicable solution


MikeG782 OP t1_j3u3a6c wrote

I did some of that but that’s good advice so I don’t make the same mistake twice! I’ll probably see how much further I can get with the contact I have that works there and look into sound proofing


DeerFlyHater t1_j3vx0uf wrote

Show up at the property and listen is an easy one.

I didn't buy land near a sawmill in Rumney for this reason. Not due to the noise from the saw or trucks, but due to the noise from the backup beapers on the equipment they were running.


OccasionallyImmortal t1_j3x3457 wrote

> noise from the backup beapers

It's amazing how often the backup warnings are louder than the construction work itself.


dojijosu t1_j3xlcgz wrote

Drive past at various times of day and listen for noises?