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grafvonorlok t1_j3u1huu wrote

Reply to comment by MikeG782 in Business noise complaint by MikeG782

Hard to say without knowing the specifics but if I was moving in next to a business I'd Google then to see what I can find, talk to prospective neighbors, check with my real estate agent, check up on the local zoning and rules.

I've never looked into property near a business of any sort, I prefer rural areas, but that's all stuff I've done for residential properties.

It sounds like a shitty situation and I hope you can find an amicable solution


MikeG782 OP t1_j3u3a6c wrote

I did some of that but that’s good advice so I don’t make the same mistake twice! I’ll probably see how much further I can get with the contact I have that works there and look into sound proofing