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SomeSortofDisaster t1_j63east wrote

>guilty of four charges, including... parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.

Truly an insurrection.


lizyouwerebeer t1_j63hp3a wrote

disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building, entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.

That's all of her charges.


asphynctersayswhat t1_j63rlox wrote

There was an insurrection that day. A failed one but you need to separate the sheep from the insurrection. Most of the idiots there that day were fooled into being a distraction while proud boys and oath keepers infiltrated the capitol. Just because the majority of the idiots there that day were incompetent and clueless about what was happening doesn’t change that people were in the capitol building, ready to use violence, to stop congress from conducting government business, certifying the election and upholding the will of the American people.

These rubes from Hudson are just idiots who worship a conman and got duped into this. But they don’t deserve sympathy. The maga are not our best. They aren’t our brightest.


spiral_in t1_j643lyp wrote

If you don't think January 6 was a violent insurrection then you're an idiot beyond redemption. No amount of blatantly obvious evidence would ever convince your misfiring neurons.


vexingsilence t1_j65ilai wrote

So why wasn't this person charged with it?

Step out of the echo chamber.


spiral_in t1_j65jv75 wrote

Wait so now charges are something we can use as evidence that what we all saw was what we all saw? Well there are lots of sedition, seditious conspiracy, violent entry, dangerous and/or deadly weapons charges, etc. etc. so I guess we're done here.


vexingsilence t1_j65kpsa wrote

I saw a protest that got out of control followed by some incidents of assault and theft. Don't know what you saw.

The person this article is about wasn't found guilty of anything other than trespassing, phrased different ways. By modern reporting standards, this was a mostly peaceful protest.


spiral_in t1_j65kxvn wrote

A mob whipped up by a lying gameshow host used violence to attempt to subvert the will of the voters and install an autocrat. People died, cops were hurt, people were crushed. Fuck off with your pile of lies.


vexingsilence t1_j65lhfo wrote

Yet again, the person in this article was only charged with trespassing. How could that be? If it was so obvious what everyone saw, why isn't everyone being prosecuted that way? Seems like the lies are on your side.


spiral_in t1_j65n28k wrote

Again, the issue is that the OP was suggesting that because this woman wasn't charged with something like battery or seditious conspiracy that calling the events of the day an "insurrection" was invalid. There's plenty of evidence and charges showing that it was, but you're clinging to the big-brain idea that if this one person wasn't charged as such, or not all where, it wasn't an insurrection. Keep moving those goalposts around, I'm sure you'll stumble into coherence eventually.


vexingsilence t1_j65ph0m wrote

>There's plenty of evidence and charges showing that it was

No one was charged with treason or insurrection. A small number had charges of "sedition conspiracy", very few were found guilty of that. You can count them on two hands. I'd have to dig deeper, but I wouldn't be surprised if those were plea deals rather than the government actually proving it.

For the vast majority of the people that the FBI spent a fortune trying to find, it was relatively minor stuff. They didn't even try to burn the building down, unlike the "mostly peaceful" protests that had plagued the country. It's pretty hard to see the witch hunt as anything other than political persecution.


RedLeafRoy t1_j63rk49 wrote

What? You mean loitering isn't insurrection????


ZacPetkanas t1_j63eiec wrote

> Truly an insurrection.

Our democracy is at risk. Hold me.


asuds t1_j63k9yo wrote

Why yes, everyone who possess even the smallest about of cognitive ability thinks so!