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nicefacedjerk t1_j63f4jj wrote

But which side are the "traitors" here lol? Aristocrats or the people? 🤷🏼‍♂️


jrice39 t1_j63ggz5 wrote

I like how those who didn't storm the capital are now aristocrats. I guess I'll keep sipping my champagne cocktails up here in my palace as I continue figuring out how to afford another tank of heating oil. Get the fuck out of here.


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j6fw7s5 wrote

Yeah my manservant is getting the yacht primed for the spring while I shovel this wet slop with my shovel that has that little metal edge starting to come off in the middle AGAIN.


jrice39 t1_j6g0bm6 wrote

I shall repeat verbatim to you what I stated earlier to Dutchy, Gigi, and Chipper: me and all my aristocratic homies shop at ocean state job lots.


nicefacedjerk t1_j63k8ek wrote

My comment was keeping inline with his "civil war" reference..


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j6fwk73 wrote

The sad thing is that you almost definitely supported the most weak-jawed, soft, loser aristocrat in modern American history.


otiswrath t1_j63hbfk wrote

The ones who tried to stop the certification of the election, had guns staged in hotels, and were attempting to capture the Speaker of the House.

Those traitors.


HikeEveryMountain t1_j63j8qr wrote

Don't forget that they constructed a gallows on Capitol Hill specifically to hang the VP. They wanted to assassinate the Vice President.


owwwwwo t1_j63snar wrote

Oh, you didn't hear? That was Antifa that built the gallows, and chanted "Hang Mike Pence".


nicefacedjerk t1_j63kcb9 wrote

Hey, he made the civil war reference. Was playing off of that..


[deleted] t1_j6630is wrote

That doesn’t make any sense, but nice try. Are you referencing aristocrats in the context of wealthy Southerners who wanted to continue to profit off slavery? Bc fun fact: there was plenty of wealth in the North, too. They coined the phrase “Boston Brahmin” a year before the war started, as a way to refer to Boston’s most respected/elite wealthy families… some of whom were quite literally married to aristocrats.


V1198 t1_j63fb7l wrote

Pretty easy to see who the bad guys are here. Losing an election doesn’t give people the right to attack a building and beat cops up. You know, in a sane society.


smartest_kobold t1_j63kikh wrote

I know how much those fancy AR-15s cost. This was petite bourgeois on bourgeois violence.


natethegreek t1_j63qgij wrote

The ones that broke into the capital those were the traitors... pretty easy.


anotherposter76 t1_j63llhv wrote

The aristocrats who act above the law. If there was any justice in this society the peoples house would be stormed daily until the global bloodshed for profit is stopped and the corrupt swamp monsters are out of a job or in prison.