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Glucose12 t1_j63njhz wrote

Profile checks out.

How many of the members of that Tour Group shit on the floor?

Are you talking about the 5-6 Antifa/FBI/CIA trouble-makers who entered first, and managed to get their precious photo-ops done?

Or are you talking about the majority who just wandered in afterwards after the Capitol Guard opened the doors for them. All of them staying inside the velvet ropes, like good orderly citizens taking a tour.


arbrown83 t1_j63pry5 wrote

> 5-6 Antifa/FBI/CIA trouble-makers

[citation needed]


Glucose12 t1_j63rh2s wrote

Why would I waste the effort on you?

I'd tell you to look for it, but either you know perfectly well what I'm talking about and are being obtuse ... or you can't be bothered, which is why you failed to see it all the first time around.

If you -cared- you'd have already seen it, but you don't.


arbrown83 t1_j63s7j4 wrote

Actually, it's neither. I didn't "see it the first time around" because it's not true. But keep believing in your conspiracy theories to make yourself feel better.

Edit: your "profile checks out" comment works both ways. Full of trump, conspiracy and religion posts. Typical.


Glucose12 t1_j63t83f wrote

>Crack Brain Zealot

Actually, it was just a reference to their -profile- title of "Crack Brain Zealot...", but you be you.


averageduder t1_j660w8f wrote

Even got plenty of antisemitic stuff in there. Guys a real peach


nobbyv t1_j63sf9x wrote

I know perfectly well you're mentally incompetent.


Glucose12 t1_j63vpow wrote

I know you and the rest of you are just more crummy little trolls, who probably don't live in New Hampshire, and were monitoring this all-too-obvious Trap Post waiting for a chance to strike down on anybody responding with even the tiniest resistance to the theme.

You twerps are obvious, but I decided to bite, regardless. Feel free to continue festering.


nobbyv t1_j64sowx wrote

Thanks, but unlike yourself, I’ve lived here in NH my entire life. And we don’t want scum like you. Move along. I hear Alabama welcomes your kind.


Glucose12 t1_j64zmfp wrote

Sorry little person, but I've lived here in NH, probably longer than you've been alive. You sound like a Massachusetts import. All bluster, and no calm, cool rationality.


nobbyv t1_j650dsv wrote

LOL, no. Why don’t you stick to your conspiracy theory and Trump boot-lick subs? Your wackjob BS isn’t welcome here.


Glucose12 t1_j6691o9 wrote

Such an Angry Young Lad. Have a Snickers!


gn84 t1_j64b2sc wrote

The censorship and self-censorship has resulted in large numbers of people for real not knowing what you're talking about.

We're literally living in a world with two (or more) completely different perceptions of reality.


Glucose12 t1_j64hqxf wrote

I'm glad you added the "(or more)". I was going to say! Two may not be enough. :-D


I remember bookmarking a lot of posts on my twitter account with videos and photos from peoples personal phones, taken during the J6 event. Saved a few to my laptop, but assumed the bookmarked tweets would be useful reference material later.

Then I(and most of the accounts who published that material) got banned from twitter for a variety of "misdeeds".

Ref material lost - like tossing it into the ocean. Which of course is what Twitter wanted, as well as those parts of the government making requests to Twitter staff.


nobbyv t1_j651rer wrote

So where are those posts you saved to your laptop that show these “Antifa/CIA/FBI troublemakers”?


Glucose12 t1_j668ttm wrote

Reading comprehension. It's no surprise you not only can't read and understand, but you obviously won't have the IQ to (WRT the media) read between the lines, spot the holes in the spin, or in general Wake The Fuck Up and see the scam.

Or you're part of the scam. Are you angry? You sound angry. Why?


nobbyv t1_j66bszc wrote

My reading comprehension is fine, thanks.

> I remember bookmarking a lot of posts on my twitter account with videos and photos from peoples personal phones, taken during the J6 event. Saved a few to my laptop,

This is you, right, you absolute fucking muppet? Where are these saved Tweets that support your allegations?


Glucose12 t1_j66d3sr wrote

So angry. Angry little social refuse.

I made it clear that most of my ref material died along with my(and others) twitter accounts. But you missed that, I guess.

You do understand that your insane ranting at me is probably outside the specs of this sub(?)

Or perhaps, like the irritated, poisonous serpent you are, you're hoping to make me do/say something that will get me blocked here?

Good Luck, son. Feel free to bring this "Rash" to an end. Of course, you won't be able to help yourself.


nobbyv t1_j6b6m63 wrote

Just wondering if those Tweets saved to your laptop are getting posted anytime soon?


chain_me_up t1_j63r5mc wrote

I can't believe people still think Antifa is some secret organized group that constantly frames the MAGA idiots lmao. Antifa = anti fascism, why would anyone have a problem with being against fascism???


gn84 t1_j64bg3z wrote

Why would patriotic person have a problem with the PATRIOT act????


Glucose12 t1_j63spyq wrote

I'd ask you to define the word Fascist - but I know perfectly well that your definition is the childish "anybody who disagrees with me".

A little tip for the child - just because a group of people give themselves a name, doesn't mean their behavior is expressive of that name.


chain_me_up t1_j63tw74 wrote

Fascism: often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

It combines elements of nationalism, militarism, economic self-sufficiency, and totalitarianism. It opposes communism, socialism, pluralism, individual rights and equality, and democratic government. Fascism places the importance of the nation above all else.

So no, my definition isn't "anyone who disagrees with me" lmao, I know how to use a dictionary and I'm also open to hearing factual information from other sides. It just so happens that "sources" like fox news or the Babylon bee are not legitimate so I don't buy into the propaganda they try to spin as facts and evidence. It's almost like when I'm presented with facts and knowledge, I can learn and potentially even change my views to match with the facts, wow!! Give it a shot sometime.


Glucose12 t1_j63xpul wrote

So precious.

SO, to reiterate, because 1) you can parrot a definition, and 2) a certain group uses a particular name, then that means that 3) the behavior of that group actually is representative of the meaning in their chosen name?


chain_me_up t1_j63y9qh wrote

No, but you claimed there was 5-6 antifa agents who framed the people going into the capitol. I haven't seen a single reputable source with information on this, do you have any links? I believe we're technically agreeing that claiming to be a member of a certain viewpoint doesn't mean you uphold it. But the difference is, I'm referring to your fake antifa scapegoats that you say existed to frame insurrectionists. They were not antifa members (antifa isn't a group), everyone involved in breaching the capitol is an insurrectionist. They did it for Trump and they are most certainly not against fascism, they literally tried to prop him up as a dictator.


Glucose12 t1_j640k5v wrote

My specific wording was "Antifa/FBI/CIA". IE, "whatever".

IE, simply saying that they were people who were not part of the general milling assemblage of MAGA protesters.

IE, the instigators.

You latched on to only one word out of those three.

That says more about you. I SEEEEEE YOUUUU. :-D


ZacPetkanas t1_j63sfay wrote

> Antifa = anti fascism, why would anyone have a problem with being against fascism???

Is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea a democracy? Is the Patriot Act patriotic?


chain_me_up t1_j63u2an wrote

Do you like fascism?


[deleted] t1_j63ugsf wrote



chain_me_up t1_j63uy8p wrote

You literally just proved my point, antifa is not a group, it's a belief. Anyone can claim they are antifa (as seen by all people with their insane belief that "antifa" members snuck into the capitol to frame the insurrectionists) and create chaos. The people who entered the capitol committed treason and attempted a coup, they were Trump supporters doing whatever they could to keep their dear cheeto in office, not liberals trying to make people look bad. They WERE bad.


ZacPetkanas t1_j63vmjg wrote

> You literally just proved my point, antifa is not a group, it's a belief.

Individuals claiming to be AntiFa can perform fascist acts and that's A-OK with you. Good to know.


3thirtysix6 t1_j63svha wrote

You mean the MAGA troublemakers, right? The guys with the weapons and zip ties? The guys even the MAGA morons in Congress were running from?


Glucose12 t1_j63v30v wrote

Who, specifically, out of that crowd of a hundred or so, had actual weapons and zip ties?


3thirtysix6 t1_j63vstv wrote

Pretty much all of them. I'm sure the courts will sort these dumb fucks out.


Glucose12 t1_j63wpo6 wrote

I'm pretty sure you're blowing smoke in the first sentence, but correct in the second.


Glucose12 t1_j6dfvvb wrote


My -point-, which you-all appear to delight in dodging, was that other than a handful or two of whack jobs and trouble-makers(some of which were clearly not MAGA), the majority of the people there in that crowd were there for a peaceful protest/rally. Even most of the people who bumbled inside the Capitol, got in and then just milled about waving their flags. Much less the thousands staying outside protesting.

What isn't fair or correct is that "certain elements", shilling their political hate, wagging their lying poison tongues, want to smear the entire group as traitors, as though being upset about obvious electoral irregularities, and wanting to have a legitimate protest about that - that is treason(?)

Point the finger accurately, otherwise people will reject you as yet another scheming shill.


nobbyv t1_j6fc0jt wrote

You’re a deranged, delusional fucktard. Did I point it accurately enough?


asuds t1_j64sftn wrote

oh right I forgot that every bad thing ever was actually Antifa soldiers secretly flow in from the Ukraine who infiltrated every single pro-trump group. They made sure their misdeeds were caught on video and are now doing time just to trick the world into thinking crazy drunk hicks did bad things.

Such a simple plan!


nobbyv t1_j6756c7 wrote

Do you know the chick that works the Dunks at the gas station where you go to get your coffee every morning doesn’t actually give a flaming fuck about what crazy thing you saw on the TV last night? She’s just too polite to tell you that you’re an insignificant, boring, stupid, purposeless old man desperate for any human connection (likely because any actual relatives have long since cut off contact). I pity you.

The greater irony is you reporting me to Reddit as someone “in crisis”. The actual crisis is when someone like yourself, who is so out of touch with reality, is going to take a hockey bag, load it up with some of the many, many guns you own, and head out to “teach some people a lesson”.


Glucose12 t1_j67aa52 wrote


The only person acting like a lunatic here is you, Mr Angry Young Man. Your fantasizing and "story telling" say more about you than they do about anybody else.

Just another aggro, angry sociopath, like half the people I've known from Manchester. What is it about Manchester, anyways? The nice people are really nice, but the other half are over the top wacky, like you.
