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arbrown83 t1_j63pry5 wrote

> 5-6 Antifa/FBI/CIA trouble-makers

[citation needed]


Glucose12 t1_j63rh2s wrote

Why would I waste the effort on you?

I'd tell you to look for it, but either you know perfectly well what I'm talking about and are being obtuse ... or you can't be bothered, which is why you failed to see it all the first time around.

If you -cared- you'd have already seen it, but you don't.


arbrown83 t1_j63s7j4 wrote

Actually, it's neither. I didn't "see it the first time around" because it's not true. But keep believing in your conspiracy theories to make yourself feel better.

Edit: your "profile checks out" comment works both ways. Full of trump, conspiracy and religion posts. Typical.


Glucose12 t1_j63t83f wrote

>Crack Brain Zealot

Actually, it was just a reference to their -profile- title of "Crack Brain Zealot...", but you be you.


averageduder t1_j660w8f wrote

Even got plenty of antisemitic stuff in there. Guys a real peach


nobbyv t1_j63sf9x wrote

I know perfectly well you're mentally incompetent.


Glucose12 t1_j63vpow wrote

I know you and the rest of you are just more crummy little trolls, who probably don't live in New Hampshire, and were monitoring this all-too-obvious Trap Post waiting for a chance to strike down on anybody responding with even the tiniest resistance to the theme.

You twerps are obvious, but I decided to bite, regardless. Feel free to continue festering.


nobbyv t1_j64sowx wrote

Thanks, but unlike yourself, I’ve lived here in NH my entire life. And we don’t want scum like you. Move along. I hear Alabama welcomes your kind.


Glucose12 t1_j64zmfp wrote

Sorry little person, but I've lived here in NH, probably longer than you've been alive. You sound like a Massachusetts import. All bluster, and no calm, cool rationality.


nobbyv t1_j650dsv wrote

LOL, no. Why don’t you stick to your conspiracy theory and Trump boot-lick subs? Your wackjob BS isn’t welcome here.


Glucose12 t1_j6691o9 wrote

Such an Angry Young Lad. Have a Snickers!


gn84 t1_j64b2sc wrote

The censorship and self-censorship has resulted in large numbers of people for real not knowing what you're talking about.

We're literally living in a world with two (or more) completely different perceptions of reality.


Glucose12 t1_j64hqxf wrote

I'm glad you added the "(or more)". I was going to say! Two may not be enough. :-D


I remember bookmarking a lot of posts on my twitter account with videos and photos from peoples personal phones, taken during the J6 event. Saved a few to my laptop, but assumed the bookmarked tweets would be useful reference material later.

Then I(and most of the accounts who published that material) got banned from twitter for a variety of "misdeeds".

Ref material lost - like tossing it into the ocean. Which of course is what Twitter wanted, as well as those parts of the government making requests to Twitter staff.


nobbyv t1_j651rer wrote

So where are those posts you saved to your laptop that show these “Antifa/CIA/FBI troublemakers”?


Glucose12 t1_j668ttm wrote

Reading comprehension. It's no surprise you not only can't read and understand, but you obviously won't have the IQ to (WRT the media) read between the lines, spot the holes in the spin, or in general Wake The Fuck Up and see the scam.

Or you're part of the scam. Are you angry? You sound angry. Why?


nobbyv t1_j66bszc wrote

My reading comprehension is fine, thanks.

> I remember bookmarking a lot of posts on my twitter account with videos and photos from peoples personal phones, taken during the J6 event. Saved a few to my laptop,

This is you, right, you absolute fucking muppet? Where are these saved Tweets that support your allegations?


Glucose12 t1_j66d3sr wrote

So angry. Angry little social refuse.

I made it clear that most of my ref material died along with my(and others) twitter accounts. But you missed that, I guess.

You do understand that your insane ranting at me is probably outside the specs of this sub(?)

Or perhaps, like the irritated, poisonous serpent you are, you're hoping to make me do/say something that will get me blocked here?

Good Luck, son. Feel free to bring this "Rash" to an end. Of course, you won't be able to help yourself.


nobbyv t1_j6b6m63 wrote

Just wondering if those Tweets saved to your laptop are getting posted anytime soon?