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Glucose12 t1_j63xpul wrote

So precious.

SO, to reiterate, because 1) you can parrot a definition, and 2) a certain group uses a particular name, then that means that 3) the behavior of that group actually is representative of the meaning in their chosen name?


chain_me_up t1_j63y9qh wrote

No, but you claimed there was 5-6 antifa agents who framed the people going into the capitol. I haven't seen a single reputable source with information on this, do you have any links? I believe we're technically agreeing that claiming to be a member of a certain viewpoint doesn't mean you uphold it. But the difference is, I'm referring to your fake antifa scapegoats that you say existed to frame insurrectionists. They were not antifa members (antifa isn't a group), everyone involved in breaching the capitol is an insurrectionist. They did it for Trump and they are most certainly not against fascism, they literally tried to prop him up as a dictator.


Glucose12 t1_j640k5v wrote

My specific wording was "Antifa/FBI/CIA". IE, "whatever".

IE, simply saying that they were people who were not part of the general milling assemblage of MAGA protesters.

IE, the instigators.

You latched on to only one word out of those three.

That says more about you. I SEEEEEE YOUUUU. :-D